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三、subsets of B cells 根据B细胞表型的不同,可将其分为二个亚群: B1细胞(CD5+):负责识别TI抗原 B2细胞(CD5-):负责识别TD抗原 TD和TI抗原分别活化两类B细胞 B2细胞 B1细胞 B2细胞 B1细胞(CD5+)(固有免疫) 分布:腹腔、胸腔、肠壁固有层 抗原识别受体多样性较少,针对TI抗原,主要是TI-2抗原,产生IgM. 主要承担腹腔、胸腔等体腔部位的非特异性免疫防御功能. B1和B2细胞的比较 B1 B2 发生、分化来源 胎肝 骨髓 分布部位 腹腔、胸腔、肠壁的固有层 外周免疫器官 表面标志 CD5+、SmIgM+ CD23- CD5-、SmIgM+ SmIgD+、 CD23+ 应答抗原 TI-Ag TD-Ag 是否需要Th辅助 否 是 抗体类型 IgM 各类抗体 主要功能 固有免疫 体液免疫 B1细胞的主要生物学功能 (固有免疫) -主要识别TI抗原的多糖类物质,如荚膜多糖,聚合鞭毛素等; - 参与对多种细菌(尤其体腔中)的抗感染免疫,在固有免疫中发挥功能; - 产生低亲和力IgM类的生理性自身抗体,参与对衰老、蜕变自身细胞的清除; - 通过产生IgM类自身抗体参与某些自身免疫病的发生。 Mature B-2 B cell B2 细胞的主要生物学功能 - 参与体液免疫应答: BC+Ag?在Th辅助下? 活化增殖 ?分化浆细胞? 产生高亲和力抗体 - 抗原提呈: BC用BCR摄取Ag ? 处理肽+MHCII ? 提呈抗原给CD4T细胞,提供协同信号 - 免疫调节: 活化BC产生多种细胞因子,参与免疫调节 Immunocyte Lymphocyte double negative cells,DN double positive cells,DP Single positive cells, SP T cell receptors,TCR Costimulatory molecule receptors,CMR Costimulatory molecule,CM B cell receptors,BCR Mitogen receptor Complement receptor 下一讲:T细胞介导的细胞免疫应答 预习内容: 细胞免疫的三个阶段 三个阶段中的重要事件 效应T细胞发挥效应的机制 特别是CD1递呈的脂类抗原 In the process of B cell development there are three important events: The first is generation of functional BCR by rearrangenment of BCR gene segments to generate BCR diversity. The second is negative selection by which the self reactive B cell clones are eliminated. In this way self tolerance is established.. The third one is positive selection which occurs not in bone marrow but in geminal centers of peripheral lymphoid organs after maturation of B cells. This is very different from development of T cells. Because the mature T cell does not undergo any selections in the periphery. The mature B cells in germinal centers undergo somatic mutation. This is followed by positive selection. Only those B cells with high affinity are positively selected to survive. This process is the basis of affinity maturation of BCRand antibodies. At pro B stage, the heavy chain locus rearranges first, rearrangement of a D gene segment to a J gene segment, then V to DJ rearr