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1.?你认为在城市里会有更多的污染吗?? Do?you?think___________?will?___________?___________?pollution?in?the?cities?? 2.?今后在这座城市将会有更多的树木,更少的污染。 There?will?_____?_____?trees?and?_____?pollution?in?the?city?in?future.? 3.?我们将会用更少的人手做更多的工作。We’ll use ______ people to do ______ work. 4.?这真是一次令人疲倦的旅行,格林一家都很疲倦。 It’s really a __________ trip. The Greens are all very ________. 5.?这些有趣的书籍吸引了孩子们,他们都对这些书产生了兴趣。 The _________ books __________ the children, they became very __________in these books. 6.?穿着白色衣服的那个男孩是林老师的儿子。 The boy who ______ a white coat is Mr. Lin’s son.= The boy _______ white is Mr. Lin’s son. 7.?玛丽迅速的给她女儿穿好衣服,开车送她去了学校。 Mary ______ her daughter quickly and _______ her to the school. 8. In 100 years there will be ______ ______(更少污染). 9.??I _____ ____ ______ ______(爱上了) the big city of Shanghai as soon as I got there last year. 10.??You are ______ ______(可以) dress casually at home. 11.??—I want to fly a __________(火箭) to the moon.??—Are you ______(开玩笑)? 12.?五年前我在上高中。I was ______ ______ _______ 5 years ago. 13.?五年后我在读大学。我将成为一个医生。I ______ ______ ______ _______ in 5 years. I will be a doctor. 14.?我想成为一个宇航员,将来乘火箭到月球。 I want to be ______ _______ and will _______ ________ to the moon. 15.?去年我去了北京,我爱上了它。I went to Beijing and I _____ _____ ______ _______ it. 16.?他很孤独,他不想一个人居住。He is very ________and he doesn’t want to _______ _________. 17.?在周末我可以穿着随意点。在平时我可能穿套装。 On the weekend I am ______ to _______ more _______.During the week, I ______ wear a ____. 18.?哪一个国家将获得下一个世界杯?_______ country ________ ________ the next World Cup? 19.?明天的天气将会怎样?What _______ the weather _______ _________ tomorrow? 20.?十年后你的生活将会怎样?What ________ your life ______ _________ in 10 years.? 21.?哪部电影明年将会获奖?________ movie will ________ ________ next year? 22.?有许多著名的预言从来就没有实现There are many ___________ that never ________ __________. 23.?它们帮助做家务,并且做最不令人愉快的工作。 They ______ ______ do housework and do the _______ _________ jobs. 24.?科学家正试图把机器人做的像人一样,并且做和我们一样的工作。 Scientists are trying to _________ the robots ______ _________ people


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