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Unit 3 My week plan B Let’s learn;;Review;Do you often go to the bookstore?; post office ;post card,post card;dictionary;dictionaries;comic book,comic book;newspaper;Newspaper,newspaper;word book,word book;Comic book,comic book, buy a comic book. I’m going to buy a comic book. Word book,word book,buy a word book. I’m going to buy a word book. Dictionary,dictionary,buy a dictionary. I’m going to buy a dictionary.;;word book;Read aloud;pots darc;a word book; ;;post card; ;I am going to the .;; A:Where are you going? B: I’m going to the cinema .We’re going to see a film about space travel. (太空之旅) A:Cool!I have lots of comic books about space.When are you going? B: Next Wednesday. A: Why not go on Tuesday?It’s half /ha:f/price/prais/. (半价) B: Really? Thank you .;What Where When;What Where When;____________________________________________________________________________________________;Amy:Where are you going …? Chen:I’m going to the …. Amy:What are you going to buy ?;this evening shoe store a pair of shoes;Amy: Where are you going …? Chen: I’m going to the …. Amy: What are you going to buy ?;Amy: Where are you going …? Chen: I’m going to the …. Amy: What are you going to buy ?; fruit stand tomorrow morning 9:00; Questions : 1) Where is Chen going ? 2) What is she going to buy ? 3) When is she going ? ;;;Choose the right answer(选词填空);;Make a survey;Tips:要记住噢!;Put the words in a sentence. 1.do are you to going what the weekend on(?) 2.the going they cinema are to (.) 3.together we going to are TV watch(.) 4. he going to is take a trip (?) 5.how you going are(?) ;按要求完成句子︰;Pair work.;


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