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* * 被动语态:1.四种基本被动语态 一般现在时被动语态: am / is / are + done Basketball is enjoyed by us. 一般过去时被动语态: was / were + done Potato chips were invented by mistake. 一般将来时: will/shall + be + done is/are going to be done The meeting will be put off . 情态动词+ be +动词的过去分词 (can, may, must, should…) Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 时态体现在be动词上,过去分词是不变的。   2.被动语态几种特殊结构 1)make/see/hear/watch/notice/ sb do 改成被动语态后必须带to I watched him play football yesterday. He was watched to play football yesterday. His mother makes him study every day. He is made to study every day by his mother. 2)动词短语后的介词不能省略 Old people should be taken good care of. Paper is used to write on. 3).没有被动语态 动词 sth happen to sb 某事发生在某人身上 sth take place 某事发生 belong to 属于 come out 出版,发行,开放 break out 爆发 break down 出故障,停止运转 remain 留下,剩余,被遗留 His book came out. An accident happened to her. Great changes have taken place here. 系动词(feel, look, smell, taste, sound…) 摸/看/闻/尝/听起来 The cloth feels very soft. The idea sounds good. 主动式表被动 write, sell, wash, read, clean, wear, lock, cook, eat, drink +adv The book sells well. 用主动表被动 区别sell out 卖光 The books are sold out. 4).need两种表达 The flowers need watering. The flowers need to be watered. 5)have/get sth done 使sth被做 have hair cut have the tooth pulled out get the ears pierced have the car repaired 剪发 拔牙 打耳洞 修车 Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to. 我喜欢能随之起舞的音乐。 1. prefer= like … better 更喜欢 prefer preferring, preferred 1).prefer sth 更喜欢 I prefer apples. 2). prefer sth to sth 和…相比更喜欢… 和香蕉相比我更喜欢苹果。 I prefer apples to bananas. 3).prefer to do sth prefer doing sth 更喜欢做…;宁愿做… I prefer to stay at home. I prefer staying at home. 4). prefer doing sth to doing sth 和做 … 相比更喜欢做 … = prefer to do sth rather than do sth 宁愿做 … 而不愿做 … = would rather do sth than do sth 宁愿做 … 而不愿做 … 他宁愿呆在家里 也不愿出去。 He prefers staying at home to going out. He prefers to stay at home rather than go out. He


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