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One of the spring and autumn five bully --楚庄王(King Zhuang of Chu ) A few Chinese idoms of King Zhuang of Chu such as make a great coup and find for the tripod in the central plain. 楚庄王,谥号庄。楚穆王之子,春秋时期楚国最有成就的君主,春秋五霸之一。楚庄王自前613年至前591年,共在位23年,。有关他的一些典故,如“一鸣惊人”、“问鼎中原”等成为成语。 3.关庙(Guan yu temple) 荆州关庙与春秋阁,都是因关羽镇守荆州后的纪念性建筑。关庙位于古城南门内,始建于明太祖洪武二十九年(公元1396年),原建筑规模宏大,气势雄伟,与山西解州关祠、湖北当阳关陵并列为全国三大关公纪念圣地。 4.熊家冢 4.熊家冢 * A famous historic and cultural city ---Ancient city of jingzhou 一座历史文化名城 ----古城荆州 I’d like to say that Jingzhou have close relationship with Puyang. ----Because of the oil Part1:Introduction Part2:History and Culture Part3:Famous people Part4:Scenery spot Part5:Delicious food Part1:Introduction 荆州市位于湖北省中南部,江汉平原腹地,历史上曾是楚国都城。荆州市是国务院公布的首批24座中国历史文化名城之一。 Jingzhou city is located in the central and southern hubei province and jianghan plain hinterland, was the capital of chu. Jingzhou city is one of the first batch of 24 historical and cultural city. Part1:Introduction Some key words National key cultural relics protection units 全国重点文物保护单位 National 4 A level scenic spot 国家4A级景区 One of the four preserved ancient cities 保存最为完好的四大古城(其它三个是四川阆(lang)中、云南丽江、安徽歙(she)县 ) 其他关键词:文化之邦、鱼米之乡、荆楚大地 Part2:History and Culture Jingzhou is one of the cradle of the birth of mankind 1992年在修筑宜黄公路中,在荆州镇郢北村发现了距今约五万年左右的 旧石器时代文化遗址,这是首次发现的旧石器时代人类在平原上生活的 遗迹,在人类发展史上具有重要的意义。 Part2:History and Culture 禹把夏王朝势力所及的范围,划为九州, 荆州便是其中之一。 The King of Yu divided the ancient China into nine parts. Jingzhou was one of them . Part2:History and Culture Jingzhou is the hinterland of Chu 楚纪南故城是中国东周时期楚国郢都故址。在湖北省江陵县城北约5公里处。据《史记·楚世家》记载,楚文王元年 (公元前689)自丹阳迁都于此,至项襄王二十一年 (公元前278)秦将白起拔郢止,楚国在此建都400余年,为当时南方第一大都城。 Part2:History and Culture Part2:History and Culture Part2:History and Culture Part2:History and Culture A place of strategic importance in the Three Kingdoms Two famous scentences: 得荆州者得天下,失


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