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* * * * * * * * * * * * 疲劳、设备 * * * * 火灾危险源和火灾隐患的概念在科学理念研究、公安消防机构监督执法领域都有着十分重要的意义。火灾危险源和火灾隐患不是同一个概念,它们之间既有联系也有区别。具体而言,火灾危险源的概念范围比火灾隐患大。火灾危险源的概念主要应用于安全工程学领域,而火灾领域的概念更多的适用于消防监督执法领域。存在火灾危险源并不一定导致火灾,但当现出火灾隐患,火灾危险源转变为火灾事故的可能性将大幅度增加。 * * 场地的大小 较集中的封闭空间(15平方米) 装饰简单 足够的白板,可以记录 有水喝 5-10人 有主持人 有记录员 * 基本分析法— 头脑风暴(集思广益法) 基本原则 一 延迟判断(defened judgenent).在提出设想阶段,只专心提出设想而不进行评价. 二 数量产生质量(quantity breeds quality). 这两条基本原则可以具体化为四条规则: 1 不做任何有关缺点的评价: 2 欢迎各种离奇的想法; 3 追求设想的数量; 4 巧妙地利用他人地设想. * * Control measures can be quickly identified The approach identifies convergence of different hazards into a single 'causal path', and control measures that prevent multiple hazards Early warning signs of an MA are explained, by showing both basic hazards and resultant hazards, in a 'cause' and 'effect' representation - “preventative” and “mitigative” The importance of mitigating controls to minimise the severity of an MA is highlighted and explained Linking consequences on the right hand side of one diagram to basic hazards on the left hand side of another diagram allows analysis of escalation events such as BLEVEs * * * * * * * * * * * 取消运营 -依据可获取的特殊助航和应用特殊程序继续运营 -限于白天运营、根据目视条件运营 未装备RVSM的飞机不得进入RVSM空域 * 取消运营 -依据可获取的特殊助航和应用特殊程序继续运营 -限于白天运营、根据目视条件运营 未装备RVSM的飞机不得进入RVSM空域 * Slide * Control LTA b1 Incident Vulnerable People or Objects Potentially Harmful Energy Flow or Condition Controls & Barriers LTA Non-functional Energy Flow Functional Energy Flow Control of Work, Process LTA Barriers LTA Control Impracticable Control of Use LTA Diversion LTA On Energy Source Between On Persons Or Objects Separate Time&Space Control LTA Control Impracticable None possible Barrier Failed Did Not Use Barriers LTA a1 a1 a1 SA1 2 SB1 SB2 SB3 a1 a2 a1 SC1 SC2 3 5 6 3 3 7 28 a4 a3 a2 a1 4 b3 3 3 c1 4 c2 4 b1 b2 b3 28 28 R2 R9 R1 8、根原因分析 Slide * Summary for Effective Root Cause Analysis 有效的根本原因分析方法小结 Techniques are merely tools and can be misused and/or misapplied. 技术不过是方法,可能会被误用


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