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Rzo。对装饰乳浊玻璃结构与性能的影响/汤李缨等 · 99 · R2o3对装饰乳浊玻璃结构与性能的影响 汤李缨,田 维,全 健 (武汉理工大学硅酸盐建筑材料国家重点实验室,武汉430070) 摘要 通过将两种不同颜色的Na2O-CaO-Si02系统乳浊玻璃在熔融状态时进行完全混合,获得类似天然石 材条纹的乳浊玻璃。采用)(J 、SEM等测试手段研究乳浊玻璃的分相过程,分析了RzO。(R—A1,B)含量变化对乳 浊玻璃的显微结构及性能的影响。研究结果表明,该系统乳浊玻璃的乳浊机理是分相乳浊,着色剂对玻璃微观结构 无显著影响;随着AlzOs含量增加,富磷相数量减少但其液滴尺寸增大。B2()3含量提高使富磷相尺寸减小,液滴尺 寸和分布趋向均匀;Alz 03含量增加使玻璃的耐水性有所提高;而B2()3含量增加降低了玻璃的耐水性。 关键词 乳浊玻璃 分相 性能 显微结构 中图分类号:TQ171 文献标识码:A DOI:10.11896/j.issn.1005—023X.2014.18.025 Effect 0f R2 o3 on Structure and Properties of Decorative Opaque Glass TANG Liying,TIAN Wei,QUAN Jian (State Key Laboratory of Silicate Materials for Architectures,Wuhan University of Technology,Wuhan 430070) Abstract In order to obtain a opaque glass with stripes similar to the natural stone by incompletely mixing two kinds of Na2 O-CaO-SiO2 opaque glasses with different colors in the molten state.The phase-separation of opaque glass was studied by XRD,SEM and other methods,and effect of 03(R—A1,B)content on microstructure and proper— ties of the glass were analyzed.The results indicated that the opacifying mechanism of the glass was phase—separation, colorants had no significant effect on microstructure of the glass;with the increase of A12 Oa content,the amount of phosphorus-rich phase was reducing,but the size of the droplets were growing.With the increase of B2 03 content,the size and the distribution of the droplets tend tO be homogenize;A12 03 improved the water resistance of the glass;B2 O3 reduced the water resistance of the glass. Key words opaque glass,phase—separation,property,microstructure 随着现代建筑业的迅速发展,对玻璃的装饰功能提出了 现乳白色。 更高的要求。本实验以Na O-CaO-SiO (NCS)系统磷酸盐


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