2017届高考英语二轮复习强化训练14语法填空 Word版含解析.doc

2017届高考英语二轮复习强化训练14语法填空 Word版含解析.doc

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英语巩固学习 英语巩固学习资料 强化训练14 完形填空(六) (45分钟,100分) A From the very first moment I met Mattie on my TV show, I fell in love with him. He was a 10-year-old little __1__ born with a life-threatening disease. But his poems of peace and __2__ had touched millions of lives. We became quick friends, e-mailing each other. We often talked about the sunrises and sunsets, and I shared with Mattie that being a black, I wasnt a __3__ person because there was no __4__ for me to tan(晒黑). He strongly __5__ me to go to the beach that he and his mom visited. He always __6__ every single second of the present. He could not understand why everybody wasnt out at the pier(码头) at __7__ during their vacation, because he couldnt __8__ why people would want to miss a sunrise. I said, “Mattie, most people like to __9__ on vacation.” We also talked a lot about __10__ . He said to me one day, “I sometimes get a little unhappy or angry when Im __11__ of dying. The boys who live upstairs said that __12__ I got famous, I should always be happy and never sad. I dont __13__ they understand what its like to know you have to live your life so __14__ , because unless I keep getting miracles, my life here wont __15__ . I am afraid of the pain of dying and worried about what I will __16__ because I love living so, so, so much. ” He said to me, “I really do want to be a __17__ when I die.” His dream was to bring his message of peace to as many people as possible. Mattie __18__ on June 22, 2004, but the light of his life shone so __19__ that every one of us will feel the light for the rest of our lives. I know that Heartsongs (his book of poems) has left a __20__ in my life. 1. A. painter        B. poet C. dancer D. architect 2. A. war B. hope C. struggle D. success 3. A. job B. sports C. vacation D. beach 4. A. time B. place C. need



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