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大型同步发电机常见故障诊断专家初步设计 大型同步发电机常见故障诊断专家系统初步设计 摘要 电力系统是由发电、输电、配电三个不部分构成的有机整体。而同步发电机 作为电能生产的基本设备,其能否正常、高效运行对电力系统的稳定性有很大的 影响,大型同步发电机结构非常复杂,并且造价昂贵,一旦出现故障就影响到整 个电力系统的正常工作,会造成很大的经济损失。因此必须对发电机内部结构及 其运行方式有充分的了解,能在第一时间发现其故障隐患,保证发电机的正常运 行。只有提高发电机的设计制造质量和运行维护水平才能很好地提高同步发电机 的运行可靠性。 要了解同步发电机的运行状态,就要对其运行的一系列参数进行实时监测, 并根据监测到的数据对发电机存在的问题进行分析,判断故障的部位、性质、程 度等,由此得出相应的对策,从而使发电机尽快恢复到正常的工作运行状态。 本文对同步发电机常见的定子、转子、轴承故障进行了深入讨论,并分析了 常用的故障诊断方法以及在线故障诊断,最后初步探讨并设计了专家诊断系统。 关键词:同步发电机、定子、转子、故障诊断、专家诊断系统 III 大型同步发电机常见故障诊断专家初步设计 LARGE SYNCHRONOUS GENERATOR GENERATOR DIAGNOSIS EXPERT SYSTEM FOR THE DESIGN ABSTRACT Power system is by power generation, transmission and distribution of three parts of the organic whole. And synchronous generator as a basic equipment, electricity production, can the normal and efficient operation has a great influence on the stability of power system, large synchronous generator structure complex,expensive, once the failure will affect the normal work of whole power system, can cause great economic losses. Must therefore be internal structure and operation mode of generators are fully understand, can be found in the first time the fault hidden trouble, ensure the normal operation of the generator. Only improve the level of design and manufacture quality and operation maintenance of generator in order to enhance the operation reliability of the synchronous generator very well. To understand the operation of the synchronous generator, the operation of a series of parameters for real-time monitoring, and according to the monitoring data of generator in the analysis of existing problems, determine the location and n


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