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定状补;在英语的句子中有些句子里只有宾语并不能表达完整的意思,还必须在宾语后面加上宾语的补足语才能表达完整的意思。我们把“宾语+宾语补足语”合起来称为复合宾语。 含有宾语补足语的句子变成被动句时,宾语补足语就成了主语补足语 n./adj./adv./介词短语/不定式等都可作补足语。;例如 形容词作宾补 Don’t make your hands dirty. 副词作宾补 We found Li Ming out when we arrived. 介词短语作宾补 Make yourself at home. 不定式作宾补 I agree you to go out. ;在英语中,常见的“宾语+宾语补足语”的结构有: ▲“宾语+名词”。常用于改结构的动词有call, name, make, find, choose, think, leave等。 e.g. We call him Jack. e.g. you name the dog qianduoduo. e.g. They made Li Lei their monitor. ▲“宾语+形容词”。常见的动词有think, believe, leave, drive, make, keep, turn, wish, want等。 e.g. Do you think his idea wrong? e.g. We can’t leave him alone.;Father?will?not?allow?us?to?play?on?the? street. ?We?believe?him?to?be?guilty.?我们相信他是有罪的。 At?the?meeting?we?elected?him?monitor. What?you?say?make?Xiao?Wang?angry. I?found?the?classroom?empty?. They draw the boat white. Please?call?the?students?back?at?once. He?takes?his?cap?off. Let the fresh air in We?hear?him?singing?in?the?hall. I?found?him?lying?in?bed,?sleeping. we see her entering进入 the room. ;;形容词,形容词性名词,代词,动名词、不定式,介词短语,副词,从句等都可以做定语。 This is a red car. The building is their teaching building. The woman doctor is my wife. The man in front of the gate大门 is Mr. Li. Every student has an English book.;单词做定语是一般放在被修饰词之前,短语和从句做定语时放在被修饰词之后。;He is a new student. The?bike?in?the?room?is?mine. The walet on the table is mine. He is one of the students . The excited boy jump into the river. A woman police officer has a good job. I have a lot of homework to do. that the way to do it. Its a map of china. ;状语;例如: He did it carefully They missed me very much. Without his help, we couldn’t work it out成功. In order to为了 catch up with 赶上my classmates, I must study hard. When I was young, I could swim well. ;状语主要分为一下九大类: 1??地点状语 e.g.He does homework at home. Lily rides the bike in RenMing park. 2、时间状语 e.g.I often go shopping on sunday. e.g.I get up in the early morning. 3、原因状语 Feeling tired ,he goes to bed early. He lost his job because of his carelessness粗心大意.;4、目的状语 In


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