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人教修订版 高中二年级(下) Unit 11;Grammar;;Word formation The basic part of any word is the root; to it, you can add a prefix at the beginning and/or a suffix at the end to change the meaning. For example, in the word unflattering, the root is simply flatter, while;the prefix un- makes the word negative, and the suffix -ing changes it from a verb into an adjective (specifically, a participle). ;Grammar;;in/ il-/ im -/ ir- incapable, indecisive, intolerable , illegal, impossible, irregular co coworker, cooperate;inter international, interaction interdependent, interprovincial tele telephone, telegraph, television pre prerecorded, preface, prefer ;post postpone, postscript, postwar sub subsoil, subscription, subway, subnormal;bio  biology, bioengineering, biophysics trans transfer, transit, translate, transport, transform ;;1. ______ Many countries import most of the oil they use. 2. _________ He studied biophysics at college.;3. ____ It is very important to learn how to cooperate with others. 4. ____ All your luggage will be transported to the destination by train. 5. ________ My cousin has an excellent voice. Her dream is to become a superstar.;1. The average output of the factory is 20 cars a day. output = out + put 产量 2. She has written good essays before, but this one is substandard. substandard = sub + standard 低于标准的, 不够标准的;3. He is a kind of intellectual superman. superman = super + man 超人 4. The lack of a common language made it very difficult to intercommunicate (with each other). intercommunicate = inter + communicate 互相联系 ;5. Transplant the seedlings into peaty soil. transplant = trans + plant 移植 6. Have you read an e-book? e-book=electronic + book 电子图书 7. They helped us to map out a long-term plan. long-term = long + term 长期的;;Practice


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