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授信往來與交易總約定書 Standard Terms and Conditions Governing Facilities Granted by and Transactions entered into with DBS Bank (Taiwan) Ltd Standard Terms and Conditions Governing Facilities Granted by and Transactions entered into with DBS Bank (Taiwan) Ltd (DBS Bank) (Standard Conditions) 星展(台灣)商業銀行股份有限公司 (下稱「貴行 」) 授信往來與交易總約定書 (下稱「本約定書」) A. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 一般條款及條件 1. Undertakings So long as any monies are owing or are to be advanced under the Facility Documents and/or so long as any Transaction is outstanding and in force: 承諾事項 於授信文件下尚有任何積欠款項或待動撥款項時 ,及或於任何交易仍有效而未/ 結之期間內: (a) Obligations to rank pari passu : The Borrower must, and will procure that each other Obligor must, ensure that its obligations under the Facility Documents are unconditional and unsubordinated and will at all times rank at least pari passu with all its other unsecured and unsubordinated obligations (except for such obligations mandatorily preferred by law). 債務之同等受償順序: 借款人應保證並將確保 其他各債務人亦應保證其依授信文件所 負者為不附任何條件之非次順位債務,且不論何時,其受償順序至少應 與其他無擔保 之非次順位債務同(除依法享有法定優先權外 )。 (b) Negative pledge: The Borrower must not, and will ensure that none of its Affiliates will, create or permit to subsist any debenture, mortgage, charge, pledge, lien or other encumbrance or any other agreement or arrangement having substantially the same effect on its assets or factor any of its accounts receivables. 反面擔保: 借款人不得 並將確保其任何關係企業亦不會發行任何債券、設定任何抵押 權、質權、留置權或其他負擔、或對其資產具有實質上相同效果之其他任何契約或安 排,或辦理任何應收帳款之承購 ,亦不會允許該等情事之存在。 (c) Restrictions on disposals: Th


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