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2007 1 : 100 1- 2265( 2007) 01- 0 105- 03 汽车发动机装配线质量信息管理系统设计 聂晓轶, 王德权, 李冬生 (大连轻工业学院机械工程与自动化学院, 大连 116034) : 现代化汽车发动机装配线即能实现自动化生产, 又能实现不同类型产品 装配为了有效地管理整 个装配过程, 进行了汽车发动机装配线质量信息管理系统 研究与设计并在此基础上, 开发了基于 W inCC 汽车发动机装配线监控系统和基于W eb 质量管理系统, 在生产实践中证实了该系统 有效性 : W inCC; SPC; 质量信息管理系统 : TP391 : A Research andDevelopment of Quality InformationManagement System of Assembly Line ofAutomobileEngine N IE X ia y,iWANG Dequan, LI D ngsheng ( Sch l fM echan icalEngineering Aut mati n, Dalian Institute fL ight Industry, Dalian Lia ning 116034, China) Abstract: Them dernizati n assemb ly line f aut m b ile engine n t nly ach ieves aut mati n pr ducti n, but als achieves t assemble different k inds f pr duct. In rder t effectively manage the pr cess f assemb ly, the Quality Inf rmati n M anagement System (Q IM S) fA ssembly L ine fAut m b ile Engine is researched and de signed. On the basis f the f rm erw rk, M n it ring System fA ssembly L ine fAut m bile Engine Based n W inCC and Quality M anagement System Based nW eb are devel ped. In practice the valid ity f the Q IM S is appr ved. Key ords: W inCC; SPC; Q IM S , C# ( C Sharp)W eb 0 , ( Unified M deling Language, UML) 1 , , , , W inCC , [ 1] , , , SPC ( Statistical Pr cess C n , tr l), , W inCC (W ind w s C ntr l Cen ter)


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