高中英语(外研版)必修五:8 阅读强化训练(八)含答案.doc

高中英语(外研版)必修五:8 阅读强化训练(八)含答案.doc

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阅读强化训练(八) (建议用时:25分钟) eq \a\vs4\al(Ⅰ) 阅读理解 Actually, all the world’s major religions teach that being hard-working in the service of others is our highest nature and thus lies at the center of a happy life.Scientific surveys and studies confirm shared rules of our faiths.Americans who prioritize(优先考虑) doing good for others are almost twice as likely to say they are very happy about their lives.In Germany, people who seek to serve society are five times likelier to say they are very happy than those who do not view service as important.Selflessness and joy are connected. This helps explain why pain and anger are sweeping through rich countries.The problem is not a lack of material riches.It is a growing number of people who feel they are no longer useful, no longer needed, and no longer one with their societies. What can we do to help? The first answer is not systematic.It is personal.Everyone has something valuable to share.We should start each day by consciously asking ourselves,“What can I do today to appreciate the gifts that others offer me?” Each of us has the responsibility to make this a habit. But those in positions of responsibility have a special opportunity to expand inclusion and build societies that truly need everyone.Leaders need to recognize that a compassionate(有同情心的) society must create a wealth of opportunities for meaningful work that everyone can do.They should also realize that a compassionate society must protect the weak while ensuring that these policies do not put people in pain and dependence. Building such a society is not an easy task.Many are confused and frightened to see anger and depression sweeping like wildfire across societies that enjoy historic safety and prosperity.But people’s refusal to be content with physical and material security actually shows something beautiful:a universal human hunger to be needed.Let us work together to build a society that feeds this hunger. 【解题导语】 快乐的源泉是什么?不是你有多富裕,而在于你是否被这个社会所需要,是否能为社会做贡献。 1.Wha


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