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powermill2016后处理构造器帮助文档 Program Generation properties 程序生成的属性 Use the Program Generation - General page to define the parameters that provide overall control while the Postprocessor is running. To open the General page: 使用程序生成 - 常规页定义提供全面控制后处理器运行时的参数。 要打开常规页: Click the Option File Properties button, or select the File Option File Properties menu option. 点击选项文件属性按钮,或选择文件选项文件属性菜单选项。 程序生成 - 通用Program Generation - General NC Program ToleranceNC程序公差 NC Program Tolerance NC程序公差 Specifies the overall tolerance used in trajectory calculations. This tolerance has the greatest impact on multi-axis linearisation but is also important if linearisation is switched off. Select: 指定轨迹计算中使用的整体能力。这个容差对多轴线性影响最大,但同样重要的是,如果线性关闭。 选择: 程序公差 Use CLDATA Tolerance to use the tolerance from the CLDATA file as the overall tolerance. specify to specify the overall tolerance in the adjacent field. 使用CDATA公差使用公差从CDATA文件作为整体的耐受性。 指定指定在相邻领域的整体能力。 The final tolerance(公差) of the NC trajectory(轨道轨迹) is the PowerMILL tolerance plus the selected NC Program Tolerance. So, if the PowerMILL tolerance is 0.025 and the NC Program Tolerance is set to Use CLDATA Tolerance, the final tolerance is 0.050. 数控轨迹的最终公差是PowerMILL的公差加选择的NC程序公差。因此,如果PowerMILL的公差为0.025和NC程序公差被设定为使用CLDATA公差,最终的公差为0.050。 Output File Extension输出文件扩展名 Error File Header错误文件头 Specifies the header text of an erroneous output file. 指定一个错误的输出文件的标题文本。 Specifies the suffix appended to output files (for example, tap). It cannot include any of the following characters: .,?*:;=+\|/. 指定追加到输出文件的后缀(例如,TAP)。它不能包含任何下列字符:*:;=+\|/“? Probing Support 探测支持 Specifies whether the probing commands and parameters are visible. This option is for GUI only and has no direct impact on the output. It has no effect if Show available ony is No in PostProcessor Settings. 指定探测命令和参数是否可见。此选项仅适用于GUI和对输出没有直接影响。它没有影响,如果显示可用的ONY是没有在PostProcessor中设置。 Allow Repeated Tool Change允许重复换刀 Allow Repeated Tool Change Specifies whether the Load Tool command is invoked when a


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