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1 M10Unit 1教学设计 Vocabulary , Listening and Pronunciation Teaching Aims and Demands: 1. Language Knowledge: Key vocabulary and phrases: ache exercise weight interest give up fitness unlikely bump into Key structure: ( 重点 ) I ’ ve got a friend whose brother is training for the Olympics. 2. Listening skill: To understand conversations containing new vocabulary and ―whose‖ clause. 3. Affection and attitudes: We should do sports to keep fit. Teaching Aids: Multi-Media (Tape recorder, video, OHP, handouts) Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Warming-up 1. Enjoy the sports song . 2. Free talk . What do you think of when you hear the song? ( 设计意图:运动员进行曲能很快激活学生原有知识,即可以复习体育项目及相关形容词, 又为下面步骤作铺垫 ) 。 Step 2 Learning 1. Ss talk about their favourite sport. 2. Show the pictures to teach some new vocabulary . 3. Talk about the sports which are easy and convenient to do to keep us fit in our daily life. 4. Activity 1 5.Listen. Activity 2. (设计意图: 从谈论学生喜爱的运动, 导入新词汇, 为听力扫除部分障碍, 让学生真实运用 三岔口初级中学英语电子教案 九年级 第 5 册 英语并体验成就感) Step 3 Listening and reading 1. Show a program — the exciting moment, and then ask some questions. (1) Do you know anyone who is training for the 2008 Olympics? (2) Do you know any athlete whose parents are also athletes? (3) Activity 5 (设计意图: 展示奥运精彩片段, 激发学生爱国热情与兴趣, 两个问题设计自然导入本模块 语法重点,练习 5 问题问答,学习部分短语,为听对话降低难度) 2. Listen to the conversation and try to answer the two questions. (1) Whose brother is training for the Olympic? (2) Whose camera did Tony nearly lose? (设计意图:两个较简单的问题既有利于训练听的能力,有有助于定语从句的理解) 3. Let the students read and try to answer more questions about the conversation. (Activity 4) 4. Find out the sentences with ―whose‖ clause, just understand them. Step 4 Pronunciation and Speaking 1.Ask the students to read the conversation after the tape, pay attention to the long sentences, pause at the right place. 2. Read in groups. 3. Activity 7.work in pairs. Step 5 Homework 1. Read the conversation as fluently as poss


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