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孝感学院大学生 人生职业规划现状调查研究 摘要: 大学生就业难已成为一个十分棘手的社会问题,这其中固然有方方而而的原 因,但从大学生本身來讲,还要直面困难,努力提高自身的知识和能力水平,提 高竞争力,在激烈的竞争中为自己撑起一片蓝天。及早地做好职业生涯规划显得 尤为重要,因为“凡事预则立,不预则废”,清楚的认识自己的内外部条件,做 出合理的规划,并坚定的实施,相信功夫一定不负有心人的。 不过,就目前而言,在大学生当中没有制定清晰的职业规划的仍大有人在,这不 仅给今后的职业发展带来很大的肓目性,也使当前的生活学习缺乏目标和动力。 为了清处大学生职业规划的现状,特进行了此次调查活动,从大学生对自己专业 的认识程度,对自身的认识程度,对就业前景的认识程度以及职业期望四个不同 角度对大学生做了调查,发现了一些普遍存在的问题,并针对问题提出了一些建 议。 关键字=大学生 职业规划 就业 Xiaogan College students career planning status of life research Summary: It is really social ticklish matters for the university students to find jobs. Although there are reasons in every aspect, but speaks from the university students, also needing to chuck out their chest to face the difficulty, improving knowledge and ability , exaltation competition ability, gained a toe-hold in the market. Working well an occupation career planning early seems to be important, because preparedness ensures success and unpreparedness spells failure11, have a clear idea of ones,inside and outside, make a reasonable program, and firmly carry it out, we believe the effort certainly doesnt take nothing. However, currently, there are plenty of such people who haven^t draw up a clear career planning, this not only brings the occupation development very big blindness In the future, but also makes the current living and study lack target and motive. For knowing the university students9 present condition of the career planning, we carried on this inquisition activity. We surveyed from the university students9 understanding to their courses, the understanding of themselves, the understanding to their employment foreground and the expectation to their jobs, and discovered some common existent problems, at the end we put forward some suggestions to the problems. Key word: university students career planning employment 第一章前言 第二章人生职业规划意义的概述 第三章确定职业意识 3?1为什么要确定职业意识 3. 2当代大学生绝大多数述没有职业意识 第四章大学如何做职业规划 4?1对大学生实施职业规划教育的含义、内容和途径 4. 2职业规划教育的意义和作用 4. 3人生职业规划的五大原则 结束语 参考文献 附录 致谢 刖旨 在今天这个人才竞争的时代,职业规划开始成为在人争夺战中的另


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