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USB 3.0 储存产品与HUB发展趋势 Miller Lin Genesys Logic, Inc. 2013/3/2 Agenda  Introduction  USB 3.0 Storage Applications  USB 3.0 Hub Applications  10Gbps SuperSpeed USB Spec Update  Summary Agenda  Introduction  USB 3.0 Storage Applications  USB 3.0 Hub Applications  10Gbps SuperSpeed USB Spec Update  Summary Universal Serial Bus The Most Successful Interface in the History of PC Units in Millions 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 USB 3.0 2,000 USB 2.0 1,500 USB 1.1 1,000 500 0 2006 2008 2010 2012 Major Difference of USB3.0 Transfer Speed  10x performance boost: 480Mb/s 5Gb/s  25GB HD video could be transferred in just 70 sec. More Bandwidth  USB 3.0 uses two unidirectional data paths: one to receive data and the other to transmit Power Management  U0 through U3 link power management states Improved Bus Utilization  Let a device asynchronously notify the host of its readiness (no need of polling) - using packets NRDY and ERDY Support To Rotating Media  Bulk protocol is updated with a new feature called Stream Protocol that allows a large Source: USB3.0 Specification number of logical streams within an Endpoint. HDD Enclosure Adopts First 100%


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