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;;*;*;*;;;*;*;*;*;*;*;*;*;*;*;*;*;;;;;;*;;*;*;*;;;;;;;;;;*;*;*;*;*;*;*;*;*;*;*;如何介绍自己的学校情况;Unit 2 Big cities ;the Great Wall 长城;north;Beijing is in the north of China.;Beijing is in the ______of _____.It is the _____ of the country.There are many interesting ______ in Beijing.The _____ _____ and the _______ _______are the most popular.;;;the British Museum 大英博物馆; London is the capital of the UK. The city is full of history and culture.The British Museum,Tower Bridge,Big Ben and the London Eye are great fun to visit!;;;the White House 美国白宫;Washington DC is the capital of the US. It is home to the famous White House and the Smithsonian Museums.You can feel the history and culture of the country here.;London is the capital of the UK.The city is full of history and culture.The British Museum,Tower Bridge,Big Ben and the London Eye are great fun to visit!;_______ is the capital of the UK.The city is full of _______ and culture.The British Museum,_____ _____,______ _____ and the ______ _______are great fun to visit!;Washington DC is the capital of the US.It is home to the famous White House and the Smithsonian Museums.You can feel the history and culture of the country here.;Washington DC is the capital of the _____.It is home to the famous ______ _______ and the Smithsonian Museums.You can feel the history and culture of the country here.;New York;Paris;Sydney Opera House;Sydney Australia Sydney Opera House ________is a big city of__________. The city is full of________and _________. _________is the most popular. ;;;春节习俗知多少;; 春节由来; 春节最早起源于什么时候? A辛亥革命之后 B隋唐 C秦朝 D殷商 ;小知识; 春节,即农历新年,俗称过年,一般指( )。 传统意义上的春节是指从腊月初八的腊祭或腊月二十三的祭灶,一直到正月十五,其中以( )为高潮。 ; 关于春节有个传说,有一个伤害百姓的想象中的动物,它是什么? A麒麟 B蒲牢 C年 D龙 ;谁能说说关于“年” 兽的传说?;熬年守岁的传说 ;;;;贴春联和门神的传说;放鞭炮的传说;; 除夕,全家???聚一堂,吃罢“团


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