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阅读资料 1 我国的创业活动 2大学生创业最易成功的5种模式 3引入风险投资的创业流程? * * XML is an industry standard and there currently is an XML Kernel in all Microsoft products, especially the latest generation of servers. The .NET Framework is built into all the .NET products, that is Visual Studio .NET, Visual Basic .NET, Visual C# and so on. The .NET Framework soon will be integrated into all Microsoft products, Office .NET and the new Enterprise servers, and it will be tightly integrated Microsoft tools and third party products. Microsoft’s common tools and programming model lets you leverage your existing code and skills while the .NET Framework allows your applications to talk to a wide variety of clients without writing a separate application for each interface you support. * * XML is an industry standard and there currently is an XML Kernel in all Microsoft products, especially the latest generation of servers. The .NET Framework is built into all the .NET products, that is Visual Studio .NET, Visual Basic .NET, Visual C# and so on. The .NET Framework soon will be integrated into all Microsoft products, Office .NET and the new Enterprise servers, and it will be tightly integrated Microsoft tools and third party products. Microsoft’s common tools and programming model lets you leverage your existing code and skills while the .NET Framework allows your applications to talk to a wide variety of clients without writing a separate application for each interface you support. 一、我不想做 你之所以不想做,是因为暂时还没走到山穷水尽,没有到了非做不可的地步,你还有取舍的退路,还有回旋的余地,还能按照自己的意愿做选择。你之所以不想做,是因为害怕整个看似艰辛的过程,并对可能发生的结果没有信心。 但不是每一个理想的结果,起初都能有一个诱人的契机,一本万利,让你一眼看得见未来,然后孤注一掷,义无反顾。机会也是这样,刚开始出现在你身边的时候,通常远不如你想象那般美好,它像是一块璞玉,只有精雕细琢,方能呈现光泽剔透。 在发现美的事物上,很多人只顾得看表面,用感性地思维去甄选。我们总习惯在付出与投入之前,抱有很大的目的性,没有好处的事情不做,回报不多的事情不做,却往往失去了透过现象看本质的洞察力。 懒惰是生命的毒药,也是失败人生的基因。硬骨头谁都不愿去啃,但是人生又不容你挑剔,失败与苦难也不会等待着你做好准备再敲门。你不想做,想做的人有的是,等你想做的时候,人家已经做好了,用不着你做了。不想做的事情也有很多,谁都有自己消极畏难的情绪,但是不想做永远都不代表你不用做。 二、我没想到 没想到,大概就是你为自己的失败作以开脱,为所有的不完美寻找的借口。百密还有一疏,总有很多是你想不到的,但是任何事情都不会因为你的想象不到,而滞后发生


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