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/ 留学生论文专业定制代写网站 / 专业提供留学生各类essay定制写作服务 留学生Essay写作—氧化应激在人脑衰老中的作用 The human brain is the main source of nerve function in the body.It is the epicentre of the nervous system and controls all of the main neural functions of the human body(Lewiset al,1998,479-483).When assessing brain function,there are many different areas that are addressed,but one main area of concern is the actual aging of the brain.As the brain ages,the functions that it performs are broken down and degraded.The nerves become slower and the motor functions are less precise.Short term and long term memory is negatively affected and the overall brain function is broken down. Many people attribute all of these detrimental effects to old age and poor health,when in reality oxidative stress and free radicals are the main causes of loss of brain function.Throughout this paper,actual brain function patterns will be examined,followed by some common reasons for brain function degradation.Then oxidative stress and its effects on the human brain will be looked at,along with a few of the common diseases and health problems that are associated with brain aging and loss of brain function. The Brain:an Overview The human brain is a mass of nerve tissue,synaptic gaps,and nerves(Lewis et al,1998,479-483).All of these parts work together to form what is known as the human brain.The brain is the main centre of nerve function in the body.The nervous system is controlled solely by the brain itself,which works as a kind of packaging centre for the messages that are delivered to each nerve cell by the body.However,the brain would not function properly if it were not for the job performed by each cell and its consequent parts.A cell is made up of the nerve cell itself,the synapse,and dendrite.Each dendrite is connected to the next dendrite by a small opening that allows the passage of chemicals such as Potassium and in order for proper neural functioning.The chemicals move along the dendritic pathway and form a gradie


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