计算机网络管理 教学课件 作者 雷震甲 SNMPc.pptVIP

计算机网络管理 教学课件 作者 雷震甲 SNMPc.ppt

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SNMPc SNMPc的特点 SNMPc Enterprise Edition This is the base system for a scalable multi-user environment. Enterprise Edition includes the SNMPc Server license, one Remote Console license, and one Remote Poller license. This system can be used simultaneously by one user at the server system and by another user at a Remote Console system. The Remote Poller can be used to extend the polling capabilities to a remote polling site. SNMPc Remote Access Extension This is a license-only option for the Enterprise Edition. This option allows an unlimited number of Remote Console users and Remote Polling agents. It also provides JAVA Console support. When using this option, you must install the server under Windows NT, 2000, 2003 or XP only. SNMPc Workgroup Edition This is a single user version for managing small to medium sized networks. The Workgroup Edition can be used on Windows 2000, 2003, NT, XP, ME, and 98 systems. All components run on a single system and support one user. The map database size is limited to 1000 objects. The Workgroup Edition does not include advanced reporting functions and it does not run as Windows Services. The evaluation version of SNMPc is equivalent to the Enterprise Edition plus the Remote Access Extension. Please keep this in mind when evaluating SNMPc. Device Access Modes None (TCP Only) Null access is used for polling TCP services only, where ICMP/SNMP access is restricted by a firewall. ICMP (Ping) ICMP (Ping) mode is used for devices that do not support SNMP but can still be Pinged to see if they are responding. This may include servers and workstations. Device Access Modes (Cont.) SNMP V1 and V2c SNMP V1 and SNMP V2c are very similar SNMP Agent protocols that are used by most currently deployed network devices. Any device that supports V2c will generally also support V1. SNMPc uses automatic intelligence to switch from one mode to the other as needed. So in most cases you will always select SNMP V1 as the device acce



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