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DOI :10.13741/j.nki .11 -1879/o4.2006.04.011 324 Vol.32 No.4 2 0 0 6 7                OPT ICA L T ECHNIQUE                 July  2006 :1002_1582 (2006)04_0518_03    RT 二维CT 扫描的精确重建 赵飞, 路宏年, 孙翠丽 ( ,  100083)  :/(RT )X CT 。 CT /(T R), RT CT T R CT 1/3。 RT CT , , 。 。 。 :CT;;; :TP39 1;T H878   :A Accurate reconstruction algorithm for RT 2D_CT scan ZHAO Fei, LU Hong_nian, SUN Cui_li (S hool of Me hani al Engineering and Automation, Beijing University of Aeronauti s and A stronauti s, Beijing  100083, China) Abstract:RT (rotate translation)s an, based on multiple ax es, an s an large_sized work pie es w ith paraxial X_ray beam.Comparing with the se ond generation s an mode of translation and rotation (T R), it an save the s an time about 3 times.But its global interpolating re onstru tion algorithm will get artifa ts around inner and outer borders.An a urate re on- stru tion algorithm is provided by ba k proje ting data respe tively, w hi h an remove the artifa ts mentioned above.The om- puter simulation indi ates the possibility of this re onstru tion algorithm. Key words:industrial CT;large_sized w ork pie e;a urate re onstru tion;ba k proje ting data respe tively p (φ, S n ) 1    p 1 (φ+Δφ, Sn 1 ), : , X CT (3)Sn S n 1 Δφ(2 (a))。 [1] 。RT (1) Sn SSn r 。 (2)r 1  S 1S n 1 ( N M , S n 1。 2π/M 。 , ) X CT 。 1 , N 。 , M , 。 2  


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