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* * A portrait of Chaucer A portrait of Chaucer A cover of Chaucer’s work Whan that Aprill with his shoures soote The droghte of March hath perced to the roote, And bathed every veyne in swich licour, Of which vertu engendred is the flour; What Zephirus eek with his sweete breeth Inspired hath in every holt and heeth The tender croppes, and the yonge sonne Hath in the Ram his halve cours yronne, And smale foweles maken melodye, That slepen al the nyght with open ye (So priketh hem nature in hir corages); Thanne longen folk to goon on pilgrimages (General Prologue 1-12) 当四月用它甜美的雨水 彻底驱走了三月的干旱, 并用浆汁滋润每根经脉, 任凭其力量使花苞绽放; 当春风用它芬芳的气息 令树林和灌木发出绿芽, 还有绿苗,那初春的太阳 已走完白羊座的一半路程, 小鸟们整天不停地鸣叫, 连晚上睡觉都张着眼睛 (大自然就这样使它们发情); 这时人们便渴望去朝圣…… (总引1-12)(沈弘译,参见《乔叟何以被誉为“英语诗歌之父”?》,《外国文学评论》2009第3期。 When the sweet showers of April fall and shoot Down through the drought of March to pierce the root [1] Bathing every vein in liquid power [2] From which there springs the engendering of the flower [3] [1] The gentle spring rain penetrates the very roots of the plants. [2] The water of the spring rain moistens every rib of the leaves and endows the plants with its power. [3] With the water of the spring rain flowers begin to blossom. the young sun / His half-course in the sign of the Ram has run: The sun is young because it has run only half way through the Ram, which is the first sign of the Zodiac. The sun runs through the sign of the Ram annually, from March 21st to April 21st. For the zodiac signs, see the following picture. 黄道十二宫视觉图 白羊座 金牛座 双子座 巨蟹座 狮子座 处女座 天秤座 天蝎座 射手座 摩羯座 水瓶座 双鱼座 Aries / Ram Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces What are the symbolic meanings of pilgrimage in April? Ram implies the coming of spring, closely related to birth and new life. April is a season for rebirth or new life. All this has a clear reference to the purpose of pilgrims who are doing their homage to a holy place. The pilgrims do their journey to holy


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