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年 月 日 第 卷第 期 ·药事组织 ·
20 12 1 20 2 1 2
Vol. 2 1,No. 2 ,January 20 ,20 12 China Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceutical Administration
(中国人民解放军第 医院 河北 张家口 )
25 1 , 075000
摘要:目的 分析抗菌药物超剂量使用情况,以避免临床不合理用药。方法 通过查阅相关文献资料,并结合实际工作经验进行阐述。结果与
结论 抗菌药物在临床使用中随意加大剂量的情况比较普遍。而超药品说明书用量等同于不合理用药,因此临床医师应按照国家相关规定
中图分类号: ; 文献标识码: 文章编号: ( )
R969. 3 R978 A 1006 - 4931 2012 02 - 0047 - 02
Consequences and Causes of Antimicrobial Overdose Use
Li Wenj ie ,Li Xiaoyun ,Fan Xueliang
( 251 Hosp ital of PLA ,Zhangj iakou ,Hebei , China 075000 )
Abstract Objective To analyze the use status of antimicrobial overdose in order to avoid irrational drug use in clinic. Methods To con-
sult the related literatures and summarize the experiences of practical work for conducting elaboration. Results and Conclusion The situa-
tion increasing antimicrobial dosage at will in clinical medication is relatively common. Using medicine beyond instruction is equal to irra-
tional drug use. Therefore ,clinical doctors should use antimicrobials according to the relevant state provisions ,and usage ,dosage and treat-
ment course described in drug instructions for ensuring patients medication safety.
Key words: antimicrobial; overdose use; adverse drug reaction ( ADR )