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汽车门柱连接件翻边整形模具设计 摘要 本说明书在所要加工零件的基础上,经过仔细的论证和计算,完成了本次毕业设计题目的相关内容。由于此次加工零件的加工工艺复杂,所以不能用一套模具来完成零件的加工,要单独设计两套模具,一套落料冲孔模、一套翻边成型模。由于模具尺寸较大且不对称,模具的模座和冲头等不是标准件,要另行设计。在模具设计过程中,主要进行了上下模座的设计,上下垫板的设计,落料和冲孔部分的设计,刃口尺寸的设计及计算,翻边部分的设计及计算,冲裁力的计算,翻边力的计算,压力机的选择,相关标准件的选择,考虑加工的工艺性等。因被加工的零件窄且长,成形、翻边时不易定位,可能使翻边高度不均匀,在模具设计完成后根据实际加工情况,重新调整板料的尺寸和外形才可以正常加工。在模具设计过程中,运用CAD技术进行模具结构设计和零件图纸的绘制。考虑模具整体制造难度较大且整体重量较大,整副模具将增加制造和安装的难度,经过经验及相关计算,可以使用组合分体模具完成该模具的全部制造。 关键字:模具、落料冲孔、翻边成型、标准件。 Automotive Connectors post mold design plastic flange Abstract This instruction booklet in must process the components in the foundation, after careful proof and computation, has completed this graduation project topic related content. Because this processing components craft is complex, so we can not use a die to complete the processing of this parts, must alone design two sets of dies, a cutting punched hole die, a upsiding down edges die. Because the mold size is big also is asymmetrical, the die base and punch is not a standard hardware, must separate design. In die design process, mainly process project on the punch set, die set, punch pad, die pad, pierce, forming , tool point design and size calculation, upsiding down edgesof the design and calculation, stamping power calculation, upsiding down edges power calculation, hydraulic machine select, Related standards of standard parts atc. Because the components processes is been narrow also is long, bending and upsiding down edges not positioning, In die design based on the actual completion of the processing, readjusts the sheet size and the contour only then may process normally. In die design process, exertion CAD structural design and layout for the parts drawings. Consider a molding tool a whole manufacturing a difficulty bigger and whole weight to compare greatly, the whole molding tool difficulty of increment manufacturing and fixing, through experience and the related calculation, can use a discrete molding tool of combination to complete all manufacturings


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