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浅析嫩江县大豆生产中存在的问题及解决途径 PAGE PAGE I 《浅析嫩江县大豆生产中 存在的问题及解决途径》 学生姓名:xxx 指导老师:xx 所在院系:xx 所学专业:农 学 Xxx 中国· xx 2012年9月 摘 要 嫩江县是大豆主产区,是全国最重要的大豆商品基地和出口基地。据统计资料,2002-2009年嫩江县大豆每年种植面积在250300万亩,占全县农作物种植面积的50%左右,年平均亩产大豆141.75公斤,较全国平均水平(亩产116.4公斤)高出25.35公斤。大豆生产栽培技术基本实现了机械化、化学化,在机械化方面以中小型为主,由主要环节机械化向全程机械化发展;在化学化方面正在向测土配方施肥、种子包衣、生化调控发展;在栽培管理措施方面已经注重精量播种、精细管理和深翻、深耕、深松。总之,现代化技术和现代化手段正在大豆生产实践中加大推广力度和应用步伐。 嫩江县大豆生产虽然处于较先进的水平,但是在生产上还存在应用品种多、乱、杂;种植规模小,单产提高难;嫩江县大豆成本高;缺少必要的政策支持;大豆加工业缺少龙头企业等问题,这些问题制约了嫩江县大豆产业的发展。 本文针对嫩江县大豆生产中存在的问题提出了因地制宜选择相应的品种;采用高产栽培技术模式;发挥嫩江县地缘优势,做大、做强大豆产业;加强政策扶持;扶持加强龙头企业建设,延长大豆产业链;加强农业基础建设,实现大豆产业可持续发展的解决对策。 关键词:嫩江县;大豆;高产栽培; Abstract Nenjiang County is the main producing areas, is the most important commodity grain base and export base of soybean. According to statistics, the acreage of soybean is 250300 wan mu every year in Nenjiang County from 2002 to 2009, accounted for about 50% of the total crop acreage, average soybean yield of mu every year is 141.75kg, higher than the national average (116.4kg) of 25.35kg.The production and cultivation technology of soybean achieves basically mechanization, chemicals, regarding to small and medium-based mechanized in mechanization, development from the main part of mechanization to full mechanization, developing to soil testing fertilization, seed coating, biochemical regulation in fertilizer, paying attention to precision seeding, fine management and deep plowing, deep ploughing, sub soiling in cultivation and management measures. in total, Although the soybean production is at a more advanced level, there are some problems in Nenjiang, such as the multi-species, arbitrary and hybrid application varieties, the small plant size, improving per unit area yield difficultly, the high soybean cost in Nenjiang, lacking of essential policy sustain, lacking of leading enterprises in the soybean process, these problems restrict the development of soybean industry in Nenjiang County. We put forward a lot of solutions for above p


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