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大学英语过程写作-网课答案 1.? ?单选题? ?The final method of brainstorming is (? ) T-chart 2.? ?单选题? ?when we write a paper,we need to make sure we have? (? )minutes available for the writing practice. 30 3.? ?单选题? ?Which of the following is not a reason to provide proper citation? Toplagiarize(usinganotherperson’swordsorideaswithoutgivingthempropercredit) 4.? ?单选题? ?when your ideas have filled the chart, you should(? )? ideas. assese 5.? ?单选题? ?Among the following choices, which one can not be used as major supporting ideas? Examples 6.? ?单选题? ?(? ) is the first stage of our writing process. reading 7.? ?单选题? ?(? )you just need to write down ideas in the form of words. Textual 8.? ?单选题? ?Why should we be careful of the word be? “Be”isoftenusedinapassivemanneranddoesnotshowaction. 9.? ?单选题? ?(? )is? a series of sentences about one idea called the topic. paragraph 10.? ?单选题? ?Among the following choices, which one can not be used as minor supporting ideas? Arguments 11.? ?单选题? ?An (? ? ) will introduce the topic and purpose of the paper. introduction 12.? ?多选题? ?When looking at our writing, we should ask ourselves if we are ________ two things from a certain perspective or ________ one subject. ComparingExplaining 13.? ?多选题? ?According to Aristotle,a person who wants to convince another may appeal to that persons (? )? reasonemotionethics 14.? ?多选题? ?Minor supporting ideas are usually(? ?)? numbersstatistics 15.? ?多选题? ?A categoricalsyllogism consist of three? parts:()? conclusion 16.? ?多选题? ?A essay is composed of an (? ? )? introductionbodyconclusion 17.? ?多选题? ?when we write a novel,we should associate it,make associate with other (? ) storiesfriendscelebrities 18.? ?判断题? ?The reason why we need citaions is that we can show our hard work. true 19.? ?判断题? ?we need not to use descriptive language when our goal is to go beyond informing . false 20.? ?判断题? ?even though one paragraph is quite short, it still can reflect the meaning of the purpose of the? article. false 21.? ?判断题? ?The


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