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建筑生态位原理探析及其生态位构建研究李积权,杜峰,林从华,余志 建筑生态位原理探析及其生态位构建研究 李积权,杜 峰,林从华,余志红( 福 建 工 程 学 院 ,福 州 350108 ) [摘 要] 如同自然生物体的产生、生长、成熟和衰亡一样,一栋建筑通常要经历从材料的开采、加 工 运 输、规 划 设 计、建 造、使用维修、更新改造,直至最后的拆除和废弃物的处置这一整 个“生 命 周 期”过 程。 建筑活动涉及材料、技 术、能 源、社 会、 经济、文化等诸多因素,是一个复合生态系统。 本文以建筑为生态元,视影响建筑的各种自然和社会要素为生态因子,引入生 态位概念,探析建筑生态位原理。 而后,应用生态位构建原理,从自然与社会两方面探讨可持续发展的建筑生态位策略,为建 筑规划设计提供一种新的思路和实践方法,从而打开研究建筑规划设计的新视角。 [关键词] 生态位; 生态位构建; 建筑生态位; 建筑生态位构建; 建筑规划设计 [中图分类号] TU-023 [文献标识码] A Discussion on Architecture Niche Theory and Its Niche Construction LI Ji-quan,DU Feng,LIN Cong-hua,YU Zhi-hong( Fujian University of Technology,Fuzhou 350108 ,China) [Abstract] Just like other natural organisms that have the process from generation,growth,maturity to decline,a building usually experiences a “life cycle”from exploitation of material,process and transportation,planning and design,construction,utilization,retrofit to demolition. Construction activity is a complex ecosystem involving many elements,such as materials,technology,energy,society, economy and culture. In this paper,the architecture was considered as an ecological unit,and all kinds of natural and social elements having influences on buildings were taken as ecological factors,therefore,the niche concept was introduced and the building niche theory was discussed. And then,by applying the niche construction theory,the building niche strategies for sustainable development from natural and social aspects were further explored. In consequence,a new thought and practice methods for architecture planning and design research were provided and a new perspective was presented. [Keywords] niche,niche construction,building niche,building niche construction,architecture planning and design 人居环境建设是一个关系到人类可持续发展的 重大问题,建筑作为人类的居所,其存在状况直接影 响着人类的可持续发展。 在目前我国快速城市化的 进程中,由于缺乏生态科学的规划设计指导思想,在 大兴土木的同时也造成了新的建设性破坏。 生态位 理论是生态学最重要的理论之一,对自然和人类生 态系统建设均具有重大的指导意义。 本文从生态位 角度探讨建筑规划设计策略,试图遵循生态学原理, 为建筑规划设计提供一种新的思路和实践方法,解 决人类盲目的建筑活动所造成的诸如环境、资源、能 源和社会等问题。 1 生态位理论概述 1. 1 生态位


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