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w 交通信号的实时公平调度及其仿真 摘要:交通信号的实时调度是改善交通拥堵的重要途径之一,其公平性研究同样至关重要。针对通信网络和交通网络的共同特点,借鉴其最大最小公平和比例公平的思想,分别提出最小最大公平、比例公平交通信号实时调度算法;并与优化队列长度的实时调度、固定周期调度算法进行仿真对比。实验结果表明,优化队列长度的实时调度和固定周期调度会使得部分车辆等待时间过长而表现出不公平;最小最大公平调度表现出最好的公平性,但在网络高密度下平均时延表现较差;比例公平调度则在各种交通密度下同时表现出较低的平均时延和较好的公平性。研究结果为实时交通信号的公平调度提供了解决方案,具有较好的应用价值。 关键词:比例公平调度;交通信号;实时调度;智能交通;公平性  equity and real.time traffic signal scheduling algorithm li hui*, guo ai.huang  school of electronic and information engineering, tongji university, shanghai 201804, china abstract: the real-time traffic signal scheduling is an important way to improve traffic congestion, and research on its equity is also vital. in view of the common places between the computer communication network and transportation network, drawing the idea of the max-min fairness and proportional fairness, propose a min-max fairness traffic signal scheduling algorithm and a proportional fairness traffic signal scheduling algorithm. conduct a variety of simulations to compare their performances with the fixed time control and the minimum queue length control algorithms. the results prove that the minimum queue length control and fixed control may not treat every vehicle fairly for it cause a number of vehicles waiting for a comparative long time. though min-max fairness treats each vehicle fairly, it performs badly when the traffic flow density is high. proportional fairness shows the good performance both in the aspect of the average delay and fairness. the results provide a solution to control the traffic light in a both efficiency and fair way, which has good value of application. the real.time traffic signal scheduling is an important way to improve traffic congestion, and research on its equity is also vital. in view of the common places between the computer communication network and transportation network, drawing the idea of the max.min fairness and proportional fairness, propose a min.max fairness traffic signal scheduling algorithm and a proportional fairnes


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