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基金项目:襄阳市研究与开发项目和湖北省高等学校优秀中青年科技创新团队计划项目(编号:T201616) 作者简介:豁银强(1979-),男(汉族),讲师,博士,研究方向:谷物加工与储藏保鲜 地址:湖北省襄阳市隆中路296号 邮编:441053 E-mail: yinqianghuo@ Tel:脉冲微波对留胚米的稳定技术研究 豁银强1,2,唐渝2,车丽2,赵思明2 ( 1. 湖北文理学院,湖北襄阳 441053; 2. 华中农业大学,湖北武汉 430070) 摘要:采用脉冲微波对留胚米进行稳定化处理,探讨脉冲微波宽度、强度、时间、间歇时间对留胚米脂肪酶活性的抑制,同时考察留胚米温度、含水量、游离脂肪酸含量、碎米率和爆腰率等品质特性的变化。结果表明:脉冲微波对留胚米脂肪酶有较好的抑制效果。通过正交实验确定了留胚米脉冲微波稳定的最佳工艺为:脉冲微波剂量为10w/g,宽度为500 ms,间歇时间为50 ms,总时间为50s,此时留胚米的脂肪酶相对酶活仅为未处理样品的47.56%,同时能够很好地保存留胚米的品质。通过50℃强化储藏60天,脉冲微波处理留胚米的游离脂肪酸含量仅为未处理样品的41.9%。 关键词:留胚米;脉冲微波;脂肪酶;品质 Stabilization of Embryo-retaining Milled Rice by Pulsed Microwave Treatment Huo Yin-qiang 1,2, Tang Yu2, Che Li2, Zhao Si-ming2 (1. Hu Bei University of Arts and Science, Xiangyang 441053, China; 2. Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China) Abstract: The effects of pulsed microwave on lipase activity and embryo-retaining milled rice quality (rice temperature, moisture content, free fatty acid content and the ratio of broken-rice and cracked-rice) were investigated to provide a suitable pulsed microwave processing technology for embryo-retaining milled rice storage. Based on the single factor experiments of width, dose , total time and intermittent time of microwave, the activity of lipase decreased dramatically with the increase of irradiation intensity, and embryo-retaining milled rice quality was slightly influenced. The result of orthogonal experiment shows that the optimal conditions for embryo-retaining milled rice stabilization were the pulse microwave dose of 10 w/g, the pulse width of 400ms, the rest time of 50 ms and the pulse time of 50 s. The relative activity of lipase was only 47.56% of the untreated sample, and the quality of the remaining embryo was well preserved. After 60 days’ accelerated storage, the free fatty acid content of the treated embryos was only 41.9% of the untreated samples. Key words:embryo-retaining milled rice; pulsed microwave stabilization; lipase 留胚米又称胚芽米或活性米,通常指糙米经过多道碾白之后留胚率在80%以上的一种精


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