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模块总复习 Part One Useful Expressions 1.above sea level 海平面 2.aim at 瞄准;争取 3.a great deal 大量 a great amount of 大量 a great deal of 大量,许多 a lot大量,许多 4.as long as 只要 5.appeal to sb. 呼吁;向……申诉;吸引某人 6.aim to do sth. 打算做某事 at the thought of...一想到 all sorts of=all kinds of...各种各样的 7.as a consequence因此;结果 as a result of 因为 as a result 结果 8.attempt sth.企图,试图(做某事) attempt to do sth. 企图,试图(做某事) attempt doing sth. 尝试做某事 9.a bunch of 一小串 10.and so on等等 11.a diversity of各种各样 12.be about to do sth. when...准备做某事时,突然…… 13.be accepted as被当作……而接受 14.be anxious to do 急于做某事 15.be likely to do sth. 有可能做某事 16.be popular with 受到……的欢迎 17.bow to 向……鞠躬 18.be addicted to 对……有瘾 19.be accustomed to 习惯于 20.be appointed as/be appointed to do 任命……为 21.be at risk 处于危险当中 22.be used to 习惯做某事 23.burn to the ground 全部焚毁 24.lie unconscious on the floor 躺在地上没知觉 25.build up to a climax 发展到高潮 26.build up逐步建立;增加,增进 27.concentrate on 集中精神于 28.convince sb. of sth. 使某人相信某事 convince sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事 29.convey...to... 向……表达…… 30.compare to和……比起来 31.come about发生,造成 32.compare...with 与……比较 33.be due to (作谓语)由于;应归;应做的 34.day by day 一天天地, 逐渐 35.devote...to 贡献于 36.due to 由于…… 37.do damage to...对……造成伤害 38.decide on 对……作决定 39.decide to do 决定做 40.express joy,fear or anxiety 表达高兴,害怕或焦虑 41.focus on集中;聚焦 42.feel like (doing) 想要去做 43.get into 陷入,染上(坏习惯) 44.glance through匆匆看一遍 45.get into a panic 陷入慌乱中 46.give birth to 生(孩子),产生 47.give a preference to sb. / sth. 给某人/某物以优惠 48.have a eq \b\lc\{(\a\vs4\al\co1(gift for,talent))有天赋 49.have a preference for sth.喜爱某物;偏爱/爱好某物 50.have a long and happy life 过着幸福开心的日子 51.have possession of 占有 52.have faith in sb. /sth.对……有信心 53.in (the) possession of拥有(属于) 54.in spite of不顾,不管 55.It is said that...据说…… It is hoped that...希望能…… 56.It is expected that...希望;预期 It is believed that...据信;人们相信 57.keep on doing 继续 58.look forward to 期待做 59.lie unconscious on the floor躺在地上没知觉 60.make a plan of action 行动计划 61.keep away from 远离 62.make an effort to do sth.努力做某事 63.make ones way to/towards前往


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