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Week 9;Outline ;Pragmatic Meaning 语用意义;Word Meaning;P72 2nd Para 2nd line ;Pragmatic Meaning;“I m lonely.” Adam told God in the Garden of Eden. “I need to have someone around for company.” “Okay,” replied God. I m going to give you the perfect woman, beautiful, intelligent, and gracious一shell cook and clean for you and never say a cross word.” “Sounds good,” Adam said, “But what s she going to cost?” “An arm and a leg.” “That s pretty steep,” countered Adam. “What can I get for just a rib?” ;A man is driving up a steep, narrow mountain road. A woman is driving down the same road. As they pass each other, the woman leans out of the window and yells PIG!! The man immediately leans out of his window and replies, WITCH!! They each continue on their way, and as the man rounds the next corner, he crashes into a pig in the middle of the road. If only men would listen. ;Context;Two types of contexts;Linguistic Context;Example: paper;Grammatical Context;Extra-linguistic Context;Extra-linguistic Context;Extra-linguistic Context;Functions of Context;Eliminating Ambiguity;Eliminating Ambiguity; Conveying Emotional Overtones Some appreciative word may acquire unfavorable meaning in certain contexts. 听完二乐子的满口秽言,小李不无讽刺的说:“你真是出口成章呀!” Some derogatory word may acquire appreciative meaning in certain context. 当他听完高一民关于利用激光侦破走私光盘的设想后, 不禁猛地拍了高一民一掌说:“好一个大野心家, 我怎么没发现你呀!”;A large number of deictic words such as now/there, here/there, this/that, are often used to refer directly to the personal, temporal or locational characteristics of the situation. Without clear context, the reference can be very confusing.;TELL WHO IS WHO;context;二、语用意义的特点;Zeugma ;Children suck the mother when they are young, and the father when they are old. 小时吃娘奶,大了吃爹的/小时吃娘的,大了啃爹的。(啃老族) Let’s have a dance ere we are married, that we may lighten our own hearts and our wives’ heels. 现在我们还是趁没有举行婚礼之前,大家跳一场舞,让我们的心跟我们妻子的鞋跟一起飘飘然起来吧。;Exercise :translate the following s


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