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警务联络官 牵起打击跨国拐卖犯罪的桥梁 Police Liaison Officer Bring up a bridge against transnational trafficking crime 公安部刑事侦查局打拐办副主任 孟庆甜 Qingtian Meng Vice-Director of Anti-Human Trafficking Office, Criminal Investigation Department, the Ministry of Public Security 目前,中国公安部已与34个国家内政警察部门建立了50多条热线联络机制,同27个国家内政警 察部门建立了定期工作会晤机制,同54个国家签署合作协议、谅解备忘录、会谈纪要等合作文 件177个,为开展双边执法合作奠定了良好的工作基础和法律基础。 At present, the Ministry of Public Security of P.R.China has established more than 50 hotline liaison mechanisms with interior police forces in 34 countries, has established regular working meeting mechanisms with interior police forces in 27 countries, and has signed 177 cooperation agreements, MOUs, minutes of meetings etc. with 54 countries, which have laid a good working foundation and legal ground for bilateral law enforcement cooperation. 同时,公安部已经向41个国家派驻了69名警务联络官,在广西、云南边境地区设立了8个打拐边境联 络官办公室,在警务联络官的努力下,为打击跨国拐卖犯罪牵起警务合作的桥梁,为有效打击跨国 拐卖犯罪起到了重要作用。 Besides, the Ministry of Public Security has deployed 69 police liaison officers to 41 countries, has set up 8“Law Enforcement Liaison Offices for Cross-Border Human Trafficking Crackdown” in the border areas of Guangxi Province and Yunnan Province, and with the efforts of police liaison officers, has brought up a bridge of police cooperation in combating transnational trafficking crimes and has played an important role in effectively combating transnational trafficking crimes. 开展打击拐卖犯罪国际合作,签署打拐政府间协定 Carry out international cooperation to combat trafficking crime, sign 1 governmental agreements on anti-human trafficking 配合开展联合打拐行动,严厉打击跨国拐卖犯罪。根据中国政府与越南、缅甸、老挝、柬 埔寨政府签署的打拐合作协定,2018年7月1 日起至12月31 日,中国公安部联合越南、缅甸 、老挝、柬埔寨、泰国五国警方开展六国联合打击拐卖人口行动。 Cooperate and carry out joint anti-trafficking operations


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