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第 13 卷 第6 期 南 水 北 调 与 水 利 科 技 Vol.13 No. 6 2015 年12 月 South2to2 North Water Transfers and Water Science Technology Dec. 2015 DOI: 10. 13476/ j . cnki. nsbdqk. 2015. 06. 031 1 1 1 2 1 1 杨贵芳 , 闫玉茹 , 程知言, 徐凤英 , 赵培松 , 郭 娜 ( 1. 有色金属华东地质勘查局, 南京 210007; 2. 南通市国土资源局, 江苏 南通 226000) : 通过对南通地区地面沉降发展历史的总结, 分析了南通地区区域地面沉降的特征和形成机理, 指出地面沉降 的发生主要与不合理过量开采地下水引起的水位下降有关, 南通地区地下水水位下降速率大的区域与地面沉降速 率大的地区有较好的一致性, 地下水水位埋深越大的地区地面沉降下降速率越大, 两者呈现正相关性关系。最后提 出了相应的地面沉降防治对策和措施。 : 南通地区; 地面沉降; 地下水水位; 相关关系; 防治措施 : P642 :A : 16722 1683( 2015) 062 1168204 Relationship between groundwater exploration and land subsidence in Nantong 1 1 1 2 1 1 YANG Gu2i fang , YAN Yu2ru , CH ENG Zhi2yan , XU Feng2ying , ZH AO Pe2i song , GUO Na ( 1. East China M ineral Ex loration and D evelo ment Bureau, N anj i ng 210007, China; 2. L and and R esources Bureau of N antong , N antong 226000, China) Abstract: In this a er, the develo ment history and characteristics and formation mechanism of land subsidence in Nantong were analyzed, which suggested that land subsidence is related to groundw ater level decline caused by excessive groundw ater um ing. The results showed that the rate of land subsidence has ositive correlation with groundw ater level decline and the ar2 ea w ith high land subsidence rate is consistent w ith the area of high groundw ater level decline rate. Finally, control measures of land subsidence revention were ro osed. Key words: Nantong; land subsiden


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