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2013年科研人员发表的期刊论文 (第一作者或通讯作者) 序号 第一作者 (通讯作者) 论文题目 期刊名称 卷(期)号 页码 1 高巍 Genetic Variation and Combining Ability Analysis of Bruising Sensitivity in Agaricus bisporus PlOS ONE(Online) 8(10) e76826 2 徐斌* Monitoring and analysis of grassland desertification dynamics using Landsat images in Ningxia REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT 138 19-26 3 徐明岗* Soil pH Dynamics and Nitrogen Transformations Under Long-Term Chemical Fertilization in Four Typical Chinese Croplands JOURNAL OF INTEGRATIVE AGRICULTURE 12(11) 2092–2102 4 徐明岗* How do environmental factors and different fertilizer strategies affect soil CO2 emission and carbon sequestration in the upland soils of southern China? APPLIED SOIL ECOLOGY 72 109-118 5 李兆君* Cross-species extrapolation of prediction models for cadmium transfer from soil to corn grain PlOS ONE(Online) 8(12) e80855 6 李召良* Temporal upscaling of instantaneous evapotranspiration: an intercomparison of four methods using eddy covariance measurements and MODIS data REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT 138 102-108 7 李召良* Spatial-scale effect on the SEBAL model for the evapotranspiration estimation from remote sensing data AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY 174-175 28-42 8 李召良* Surface reflectance retrieval from hyperspectral data collected by an unmanned aerial vehicle over the Baotou test site PlOS ONE(Online) 8(6) e66972 9 周卫* Different roles of rhizosphere effect and long-term fertilization in the activity and community structure of ammonia oxidizers in a calcareous fluvo-aquic soil Soil Biology and Biochemistry 57 30-42 10 梁永超* The foliar uptake and downward translocation of trichloroethylene and 1,2,3-trichlorobenzene in air-plant-water systems JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 252-253 300-305 11 马义兵* The Influence of Soil Solution Properties on Phytotoxicity of Soil Soluble Copper in A Wide GEODERMA 211-212 1-7 12 马义兵* Relationship between soil properties and phytotoxicity of copper and nickel to bok choy and tomato in Chinese soils ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY AND CHEM


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