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江西师范大学科技学院2013届学士学位毕业论文 江西师范大学数学与信息科学学院学士学位论文 浅谈数学中的有限与无限 Finite and infinite in College Mathematics 姓 名:王 莲 学 学 号:0907019116 学 院 科学技术学院 专 业:数学与应用数学 指导老师:黄大富(教授) 完成时间:2013年4月20日 PAGE PAGE 1 浅谈数学中的有限与无限 王莲学 【摘要】数学中有限和无限的关系体现了哲学中的辩证关系,本文将从具体的实例谈起如:定积分、数列极限公式、球表面积和体积公式的推导及结合率和分配率的使用。再将数学中的有限与无限从哲学的观点来体现,首先,本文讨论了数学中有限与无限的联系:无限是有限的基础,无限是由有限构成的;有限由无限组成;无限是有限的延伸。有限与无限虽密不可分,但它们也有质的区别。 其次,将会写到离了有限的超限数,如:就部分和整体来说,对于超限数,部分可以等于整体;就运算法则来说,超限数的运算法则与有限数的运算法则是不同的;就与现实的关系来说,超限数也是与有限数不同的。 【关键词】有限;无限;联系;区别;超限数 Finite and infinite in College Mathematics Wang lian xue 【Abstract】The mathematics of finite and infinite relations reflects the dialectical relationship of philosophy,in this paper we will start from the concrete examples such as: integral, sequence limit formula derivation, ball surface area and volume formula and collection rate and the use of rate.The mathematics of finite and infinite will be reflected from a view of philosophical point.First of all, this paper discusses the mathematics of finite and infinite connection:Infinity is the foundation of finity, and infinity is composed of finity;Infinity is the extension of finity .The finity and the infinity are inseparable, but they also have a qualitative difference.Secondly, we will write the transfinite number which if far away form finity,for exaple:On the part and the whole, ,the part can be equal to the whole for the transfinite numbers in terms of the part and the whole; transfinite numbers algorithm is different from limited numbers in terms of algorithm; transfinite number is different with finite number in terms of the relationship with reality too. 【Key words】Limited; unlimited; relation; difference; transfinite number 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u 14921 前言 1 8045 1. 例谈数式中有限与无限 2 24045 §1.1 定积分 2 8917 §1.2 数列极限的公式 2 13392 §1.3 球表面积、体积公式的推导 2 31479 §1.4 结合律和分配律的使用 3 8878 2 无限与有限的联系 4 12722 §


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