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l 浅析当代大学生体育锻炼的科学性 【摘要】随着人们生活水平的不断提高,科教卫生事业的不断发展,大学生的身体健康也已被提上日程。现在,党中央、国务院非常关心当代大学生的身体健康。再加上,当代大学生是国家未来的栋梁之才,是党和人民宝贵的财富和希望。使他们健康地走入社会,为自己工作,为社会工作,尽情的施展自己的才华,彰显自己的人生价值,这是科学的体育锻炼的重要目的. 大学生拥有健康的体魄是一个民族旺盛生命力的体现,是良好精神面貌的体现,是为祖国为人民服务的有力保证和前提条件。科学的体育锻炼是重中之重,大学生身体素质的下降令人担忧.造成这一状况的原因是多方面的, 增强当代大学生对身体健康的重要性的正确认识,了解并理解科学的体育锻炼对身体健康的重要作用和健康身体对自身将来发展的重要影响是非常有必要的,从而迫使当代大学生能够自觉自发的进行科学的锻炼从而达到强健体魄。本论文终究了当代大学生体育锻炼的基本现状,将当代大学生不科学锻炼对身体带来的危害加以剖析,并对科学锻炼做具体的阐述和要求,加强当代大学生对体育锻炼的再认识以及进行科学锻炼的价值体现。 关键词: 锻炼 健康 科学性 With the continuous improvement of peoples living standard, education and health development, the physical health of college students has been put on the agenda.Now, the Party Central Committee, the State Council was very concerned about the health of the contemporary college students. Plus , the contemporary college students are the future of a man of tremendous promise, it is party and peoples precious wealth and hope. Making them healthy entering society, for their own work, social work, to display their talent, highlight the value of your life, it is a scientific physical exercise is very important to have good health. College is a manifestation of national vitality, the spirit is good embodiment, for the motherland the service of a powerful guarantee and condition .Scientific physical exercise is the priority among priorities, the decline of physical quality of college students is worrying. The reasons for this situation is many sided, contemporary college students on the health of the importance of correct understanding, understanding and understanding of scientific physical exercise on the health of the important role and the healthy body on its future development important influence is very necessary, thus forcing the contemporary college students can consciously spontaneous scientific exercise so as to achieve a strong body .In this paper, after all of the contemporary college students physical exercise of fundamental current situation of contemporary colleg


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