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南京农业大学学报  2000 , 23 (4) : 63~66   Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University α 人抑制素 亚基主动免疫对鸡卵泡发育和 性腺激素及产蛋率的影响 王进荣  杨利国  王元兴 (南京农业大学家畜繁殖研究室 , 南京 210095) α ( ) 摘要  用人工合成人抑制素 亚基 126 Gly. Tyr 片段与 KLH 连接作完全抗原免疫产蛋三黄母鸡 , 用放免法测定排卵 周期外周血中雌二醇和孕酮的水平 , 观察产蛋率的变化。宰杀后卵巢称重 , 各期卵泡分类计数。结果免疫组产蛋率、大 白泡、小白泡和小黄泡数比对照组高 ( P 005) , 蛋重、卵巢上直径大于 10 mm 的卵泡数两组间无显著差异。经放免法 测定 , 免疫组外周血雌二醇基础水平比对照组高 , 但孕酮没有显著性差异。 关键词  人抑制素 ; 主动免疫 ; 母鸡 ; 卵泡发育 ; 性腺激素 分类号  S8311 The effect of active immunization against hinhibin on follicles growth , gonadal hormones and laying rate in hens Wang Jinrong , Yang Liguo and Wang Yuanxin (Research Laboratory of Animal Reproduction , Nanjing Agric Univ , Nanjing 210095) α ( ) ABSTRACT The effects of immunization against fragment of human inhibin subunit 126 Gly. Tyr conjugated to keyhole limpet hemocyanin ( KLH) on the development of follicles growth , laying rate and plasma level of estradiol and progesterone of Sanhuan hens were reported. Treated group ( n = 8) were actively immunized with inhibin peptide conjugated to KLH and control ( n = 12) with saline ( ) and adjuvant. The laying rate , the level of serum estrodiol , the number of small yellow follicles 510 mm in diameter , large white fol licles (25 mm in diameter) and small white follicles ( 12 mm in diameter) in treated group were significantly higher than those of the ( ) c


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