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供热系统末端装置连接结构研究 UDC: 学校代码: 中文图书分类号: 学 号: 密 级: 硕士学位论文 题 目: 英 文 题 目: 论 文 作 者 : 一级学科及代码 : 二级学科及代码 : 申 请 学 位 : 指 导 教 师 : 答 辩 日 期 : 授予学位单位 : 摘 要 在供热系统中,在供暖末端通常采用变径的方式实现管道和末端散热装置的连接,变径的存在造成了阻力的增大,能耗的增加。本文通过优化末端装置与管道的连接结构,降低管道变径时的能耗,减小末端阻力。本文将为科学合理的设计末端装置连接结构形状提供指导方法。 流体沿着流线型结构流动时,局部阻力损失小,那么怎样合理设计流线型变径结构,使得末端装置连接结构的阻力损失减小是本文的关键。本文通过分析流体通过变径时的能量转化过程,提出一种减小局部阻力损失的方法。根据流体运动微分方程建立了变径减阻物理模型,优化设计了变径减阻结构,并搭建了优化后的变径管件阻力测试实验台,对提出的减阻方法及优化的减阻结构进行理论及实验研究。研究结果表明,通过理论研究获得的减阻方法及优化后 的减阻结构具有较好的减阻效果,在雷诺数 Re 的范围在 4000<Re<1000 之间时,减阻结构比传统变径(突缩、渐缩)结构的减阻效果要好,其中与突缩变径结 构相比,平均减阻效率为 59.2%,最大减阻率为 87.7%,与渐缩变径结构相比, 平均减阻效率为 22.1%,最大减阻率为 76.5%。优化后的变径减阻结构可以有效的减小流体的阻力损失,从而降低水泵电耗。 关键词:末端装置变径结构;优化结构;减阻 -I- Abstract In the heating system, the connection between the pipe and the end heat sink is usually realized by changing the diameter at the end of the heating system. The existence of changing the diameter causes the increase of resistance and energy consumption. In this paper, by optimizing the connection structure between the end device and the pipeline, the energy consumption and the end resistance of the pipeline are reduced when the diameter of the pipeline is changed. This paper will provide guidance for the scientific and rational design of end device connection structure. When the fluid flows along the streamline structure, the local resistance loss is small, so how to design the streamline variable diameter structure rationally and reduce the resistance loss of the end device connection structure is the key of this paper. In this paper, a method to reduce local resistance loss is proposed by analyzing the energy conversion process of fluid passing through variable diameter. Based on the differential equation of fluid motion, a physical model of drag reduction with variable diameter is established, and the structure of drag reduction with variable diameter is optimized. An experimental platform for resistance measurement of the optimized tube with variable diameter is built. The theoretical


With mango + 关注


