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The Terra Cotta Warriors! diary 短语 1.最后一个晚上 last night; 2.坐飞机回家fly home=go home by plane 3.鲜艳的衣物the colourful clothing 4.举办奥运会 hold the Olympics 5.寻找look for 6.对…了解如此多 learn so much about… 7.演奏乐器play an instrument 8.拉二胡 play the erhu 9.帮助某人做某事 help sb. with sth. 2.Where else can you travel thousands of years back in time? thousands of 意为“数以千计的;许多的” 。在这种表示不确定数目的短语中,thousand 应该用复数形式,且后面要加上介词of 。但是若前面有确切的数词时, thousand 不用复数形式。 else 别的,其他的。用于疑问词和不定代词后。“ something else ”别的,其他的东西 what else do you want ? 你想要其他的什么? .4. It’s amazing! 它很惊人!amazing a. 令人惊奇的,令人惊喜的 eg . It’s an amazing story. 它是一个令人惊奇的故事。 Amazing 主语通常是__,amazed意为“感到惊奇的”,主语通常是__。 Eg.I’m really amazed at the amazing news.我对这个令人惊奇的消息着实感到惊奇。 5. I loved the music and the colourful clothing.我喜爱这音乐和彩色的衣服。 ①clothing 为--___(不可数,可数) 名词,强调“抽象概念的服装” eg. a clothing store ②clothes 为名词----数,强调“具体可见,摸得到”的衣服。 Eg. wash clothes * Unit 1 A trip to the silk road Lesson 6:Jenny’s Diary last clothing nest few many building hold (held/held) Olympics thousand → thousand instrument diary n. 日志;日记 last adj.最后的;上一个 clothing n.衣物 nest n. (鸟的)窝,巢 few adj.少数的,很少的 building n.建筑物 hold v.(held/held)举行,拿着 Olympics n.奥运会 thousand num. 千 instrument n.乐器,仪器 someday adv.将来有一天 Objectives 学习课文,了解日记内容; 掌握本文中过去时和将来时的使用; 学习下列句子: It is only a few years old, but it is a very famous and beautiful building. Where else can you travel thousands of years back in time? 预习课文,翻译下列短语: 1.fly home______ 2. colourful clothing ______ 3. a few __________4. beautif building________ 5. look for ________ 6. where else_______ 7. thousands of_____8. Chinese culture_______ 9. learn about________ 10. be over _______ 1)What did Jenny love about the Beijing Opera? _________


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