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侗族民俗习惯对大歌的影响 摘 要 侗族大歌是我国音乐宝库中一颗璀璨的明珠,也是世界音乐中的一个瑰宝。侗族大歌的形成与侗族人生活所处环境有关,更与侗族人的民间民俗习惯息息相关。独特的生存环境养育了独特的民间习俗,有些民间习俗均与歌唱相伴相随,进而出现了侗族大歌这种具有浓郁独特民族气息以及地域气息的音乐歌唱形式。 由于侗族大歌所具有的独特魅力,它已经成为世界“非物质文化遗产”。为更好了解、保护和传承侗族大歌这颗珍稀文艺艺术明星,有许多学者展开了对侗族大歌的分析与研究。本文也是出于对侗族大歌的分析与研究,便选题《侗族民俗习惯对大歌的影响》,从侗族独特的民俗习惯对侗族大歌形成的影响角度,进行浅显分析与研究。通过分析与研究,得出侗族大歌形成的雄厚基础就是源于侗族人那些独特的民俗习惯,是侗族特有民俗习惯滋养了侗族大歌,并以他们这样独有的民间习俗使侗族大歌得以代代保留与传承的结论。 关键词:侗族民俗 ; 艺术特点 ; 影响研究;传承发展 Abstract The Dong nationality song is a bright pearl in the treasure house of our country music, and is also a treasure of the world music.The formation of the Dong song is related to the environment of the Dong People's life, and is closely related to the folk custom of the Dong people.Unique living environment has brought up a unique folk customs, and some folk customs are accompanied by singing, and then there is the Dong song, which has a strong and unique national flavor and regional flavor of music singing form. Because Dong song has a unique charm, it has become the world's intangible cultural heritage.For a better understanding of the protection and inheritance of the Dong song this rare art star, there are many scholars began to analyze and study the Dong song.This article is also out of the Dong song of the analysis and research, will choose the topic "the impact of the folk custom of the big song , from the Dong" s unique folk custom influence on the formation of the Dong song, the simple analysis and research.Through analysis and research, it is concluded that the songs of Dong nationality formed a strong foundation is in Dong people ,It is the custom of the Dong nationality to nourish the Dong nationality song,And they unique folk customs made the Dong chorus to retain and inheritance from generation to generation conclusion Key words: Dong folk; artistic characteristics; influence research; inheritance and development 目 录 引言…………………………………………………………………………………(1) 第一章论文研究背景及意义………………………………………………………(1) (一)论文研究背景及意义…………………………………………………………


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