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WORD格式 专业资料整理 --------------------------------- 精选公文范文 -------------------------- 英文诗歌大全 各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢 国家是一个阶级压迫另一阶级的机器,是使人一切被支配的阶级受一个阶级控制的机器。小编精心收集了关于国 家的英文诗歌,供大家欣赏学习 ! 关于国家的英文诗歌篇 1 我和祖国一起走过 Climb over five thousand years, 爬过五千年的沟沟坎坎, Side banner will give you the bright, 将一面鲜艳的旗帜交给你, My dear motherland. 我亲爱的祖国。 Hence, 从此, I am not going to crawl, 我不再爬行 Hence, 从此, 1 ---------------- 精选公文范文 ---------------- --------------------------------- 精选公文范文 -------------------------- I will not be subjected to slavery, 我不再遭受奴役, Hence, 从此, my monument in the new China, 我的腰杆在新中国的丰碑下, Straight into a stand of trees. 挺立成一棵笔直的树木。 Trees, 树木, I am just an ordinary tree. 我只是一棵平常的树木。 Spray can not be turned into the new China will be singing the songs around the clock; 不能变成浪花将新中国的赞歌日夜高唱 ; Clouds can not become a new China dress China and the United States movement. 也不能变成云朵装扮新中国的华美乐章。 2 ---------------- 精选公文范文 ---------------- --------------------------------- 精选公文范文 -------------------------- I am just a normal tree, 我只是一棵平常的树木, Incoming sand standing place 站在风沙来袭的地方, With my brothers and sisters together 与我的兄弟姐妹一道, For my motherland green barriers erected. 为我的祖国筑起一道绿色的屏障。 I am just a normal tree, 我只是一棵平常的树木, Standing on the shore of the choppy, 站在波涛汹涌的岸边, With my brothers and sisters together 与我的兄弟姐妹一道, For my country to increase the strength of Haiphong. 为我的祖国增加海防的力量。 I am just a normal tree, 我只是一棵平常的树木, Standing on ice and snow of the north sky, 3 ---------------- 精选公文范文 ---------------- --------------------------------- 精选公文范文 -------------------------- 站在冰雪满天的北国, With my brothers and sisters together 与我的兄弟姐妹一道, For my sculpture image of the motherland. 为我的祖国雕塑英姿飒爽的形象。 I am just a normal tree, 我只是一棵平常的树木, Hot side of the south, 站在酷热难耐的南方, With my brothers and sisters together 与我的兄弟姐妹一道, For my country to open up a cool road. 为我的祖国开辟一条阴凉的大道。 I am just a normal tree, 我只是一棵平常的树木, Even if I fall , 即使我倒下, Also let the speeding train,也要让飞驰的列车, With young Chinese, 4


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