电大--机械专业---理工英语--综合测试--参考 答案.docx

电大--机械专业---理工英语--综合测试--参考 答案.docx

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电大 机械专业 理工英语 综合测试 参考答案 一、交际用语:阅读下面的小对话,选择恰当的答语。 题目1 Welcome back, Mr. Smith! How about your business trip in Japan? ___________________________ 正确答案是:Oh, fantastic! Mr. Mark is so satisfied with our project. 题目2 Would you please open this suitcase for me? I cant open it. ??????????????????????. 正确答案是:OK, let me see. 题目3 Is there anything I can do? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 正确答案是:Thanks, but I can manage. 题目4A: Hello, Bill Burton speaking.????????????????????? B: Hello, Mr. Burton, this is Jenny Jenkins of Bradford and Sons returning your call.? 正确答案是:What can I do for you? 题目5—We have to stay at home for a whole day. Why not go out and have a walk? —?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? 正确答案是:It sounds like a good idea. 二、词汇语法:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。 题目6It was _______ to see the students’ excitement when they discovered that simple materials could be used to cook food under the sun and the solar cooking really attracts those creative kids.? 正确答案是:amazing 题目7They also have a camera ______allows you to take and share photos and video. 正确答案是:which 题目8Tom is________ than any other players in the school team. 正确答案是:taller 题目9We _______ two railway tickets online this Monday.?? 正确答案是:booked 题目10This box is___ that one. 正确答案是:as heavy as 题目11Separate passwords for every account make??? ? ? ???difficult for cyber criminals to hack you.? 正确答案是:it 题目12It is easy to get the software we need ______ the market is small.? 正确答案是:although 题目13You know, online shopping has so many ______. 正确答案是:advantages 题目14People who do not have wood must spend large amounts of money ________cooking fuel. 正确答案是:on 题目15Architect Mayur Kanaiya spoke____ of the Langkawi Sky Bridge. 正确答案是:highly 题目16His parents are present there ______, but their minds are somewhere else. 正确答案是:physically 题目17Each apartment only__________ 15 to 30 square meters for one unit.? 正确答案是:takes 题目18There ________ a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening.? 正确答案是:is going to be 题目19One day they crossed the ____bridge behind th


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