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PAGE PAGE 1 Chris-- chris-lin@ 一幅簡單卻深奧的畫 揭開20世紀人們對於李奧納多?達文西藝術畫作的狂亂著迷、品味與利益糾葛 The American Leonardo -A Tale of 20th Century Obsession, Art and Money- by John Brewer 評價: ? 分類: Nonfiction Hardcover: 400 pages / Constable (26 Feb 2009) 審閱資料: 電子手稿 版權已售: US / OUP New York Italy / RCS Rizzoli 【歷史背景簡介】 Harry Hahn歷經第一次世界大戰之後,與新婚妻子帶著一份不尋常的結婚賀禮: 一幅畫,回到美國家鄉。Hahn夫婦聲稱這幅畫就是李奧納多?達文西在文藝復興盛期的真跡《美麗的費蓉妮葉》(La belle Ferronière)。 這幅畫不但在美國藝術界造成轟動,也引起藝術評論家的批判,有名的英國收藏古董商Joseph Duveen對畫作的真實性十分表示懷疑。Hahn夫婦因此與Joseph Duveen鬧上法庭,控告這位古董商誹謗他們的名譽和財產。此案成為藝術史最特別的一個故事,也是最大的懸案。 著名的歷史學家John Brewer以這個史實做為題材,試著使讀者了解20世紀的藝術市場到底發生什麼問題。 -鑑賞一幅畫時,該如何判斷繪者表達的意涵 -如何知道一幅畫的價值 -如何辨別畫作是真跡,還是贗品 -鑑賞專家以何種科學方法,鑑定畫作 歷史學家John Brewer透過本書,揭開人們對於藝術界的狂亂、著迷、品味與利益糾葛。 Reviews `A gripping fable of the never-ending conflict between art and money Craig Browns Book of the Week Mail on Sunday `Extraordinary and fascinating ... John Brewer has written a detective story, a social history and a thrillingly murky myth of human greed, just right for our times. The Tablet Book of the Week Sunday Telegraph ‘A clever, important book,’ Kathryn Hughes, Guardian ‘Sensational . . utterly rigorous, yet written with effortless elegance and continual verve.’ Observer ‘like a set of dazzling variations on the traditional whodunit.’ Daily Telegraph ‘Exceptional, stimulating, original, beautifully written and full of wit.’ Miranda Seymour ‘Rich and significant . . more compelling that any thriller.’ Independent. Excellent ... has the unmistakable vibrancy of original research The Sunday Times Wholly engaging ... he rests an ambitious enquiry on a brisk, absorbing story. His book is a huge risk, and a triumph The Scotsman Description John Brewers magisterial new book explores the story of a single painting and shows how its life reveals the intricacies of the twentieth century’s obsession with art, money and taste. After the First World


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