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《終結永無止盡的青春期》 Escaping the Endless Adolescence How We Can Help Our Teenagers Grow Up Before They Grow Old by Joseph Allen, Ph.D., and Claudia Worrell Allen, Ph.D. 別讓你的孩子成為「草莓族」、「尼特族(NEET)」、「單身寄生蟲」 幫助孩子終結永無止盡的青春期 Hardcover: 272 pages 出版社:Ballantine Books (October 20, 2009) 分類: 親子教養 審閱資料: 電子檔 ISBN-13: 978-0345507891 此書網站: 【關於作者】 Joseph Allen博士,心理學教授,維吉尼亞大學臨床訓練主任,青少年臨床心理學家。Joseph Allen博士負責一項由William T. Grant基金會贊助的大型計畫,增進教師加強學生學習動力的能力。 Claudia Worrell Allen 博士,維吉尼亞大學家庭醫學系行為科學助理教授。過去15年,擔任青少年與家庭臨床心理學家。 他們兩有三個正值青少年期與即將跨入青少年的小孩,目前住在維吉尼亞。 【關於此書】 為何25歲變成新的15歲? 如何才能幫助我們孩子結束永無止盡的青春期,成為真正的大人?! 由兩位青少年領域研究者與臨床專家提供最實用最深入的建議,教導父母幫助孩子成為負責任、獨立的大人。 研究顯示尼特族是世界性的社會問題,主要發生在經濟高成長、生活素質高的國家和地區的青年階層中。台灣尼特族的問題已較日韓更為嚴重。今日青少年所面對的問題更多,他們比之前世代更焦慮更缺乏動力,更不願跨入成人的社會。此書將教導父母如何一步步引導孩子獨立~ 相關調查: 青年NEET族現象分析--國家政策研究基金會 名詞解釋-- 尼特族: /w/index.php?title=%E5%B0%BC%E7%89%B9%E6%97%8Fvariant=zh-tw 草莓族: /w/index.php?title=%E8%8D%89%E8%8E%93%E6%97%8Fvariant=zh-tw Review “This superb and timely book describes a very real and troubling problem while treating teens and parents with empathy and respect. The authors demolish several widely accepted myths about adolescents and offer practical strategies to help young people become productive, responsible, and caring adults.” -- Jean Kilbourne, Ed.D., co- author, So Sexy So Soon: The New Sexualized Childhood and What Parents Can Do to Protect Their Kids Adolescents are actually two people in one--a regressed child and an emergent adult.? For too long parents and experts alike have concentrated on the former to the detriment of the latter.? Thankfully, the Allens have refocused attention back to what matters most for teenagers today--the emergent adult they are striving to become.? This book is simultaneously a wake up call and a breath of fresh air for parents.? A delightful read that quickly gives one a more hopeful perspective on any teenager. -- Mike Riera, Ph.D., author of Field Guide to the American Teenager and Uncommon Sense for Parents with Teenagers Pr


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