2019-2020学年新培优同步北师大版高中英语必修三练习:Unit 8 Adventure Communication Workshop and Culture Corner .docxVIP

2019-2020学年新培优同步北师大版高中英语必修三练习:Unit 8 Adventure Communication Workshop and Culture Corner .docx

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Communication Workshop and Culture Corner 课时过关·即时巩固 一、短语翻译 1.度假            ? 答案:go on holiday 2.抱怨……            ? 答案:complain about/of 3.至少            ? 答案:at least 4.(数量)高达/多达       ? 答案:up to 5.是……的家园            ? 答案:be home to 6.其余的,剩下的            ? 答案:the rest of 7.与……有关系            ? 答案:be associated with 8.特别地            ? 答案:in particular 二、介、副词填空 1.So if you try to compete in a new field,you’ll be       a disadvantage.? 答案:at 2.In this case,we set a limit       the amount of time and efforts.? 答案:on 3.People complain       how children spend so much time on computer games.? 答案:about 4.His income totaled up       10,000 dollars this month.? 答案:to 5.In the children’s minds summer is associated       picnics.? 答案:with 三、用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.—Our maths teacher wanted you to do your homework again. —I can imagine him       (say)that.? 答案:saying 2.She as well as her mother       (teach)English in a high school.? 答案:teaches 3.—Doing it like this means       (waste)time.? —I didn’t mean       (do)it.? 答案:wasting;to do 4.She gave me a       (freeze)look,and I felt much upset and didn’t know how I annoyed her.? 答案:freezing 5.The foreigners are       (amaze) by the       (amaze)achievements that the Chinese have made recently.? 答案:amazed;amazing 6.Neighbours          (shock)that such an attack could happen in their area.? 答案:were shocked 7.If we don’t start out now,we must risk       (miss)the train.? 答案:missing 8.His words were very       (excite).Everyone got       (excite)at the bright future described in his speech.? 答案:exciting;excited 四、根据括号内的汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子 1.The highest building             (就坐落在) the centre of the town.(locate)? 答案:is located right in 2.The Rocky Mountains(落基山脉)?          (是……的栖息地) bears and mountain lions.(home) 答案:are home to 3.It’s better                (给他们提供机会) to make a living than to give them money.(offer)? 答案:to offer them the chance 4.Learning          (如何成为) a parent takes time.It’s a skill you learn as you go along.(become)? 答案:how


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