2020版高考英语新素养大二轮专题突破通用版练习:题型组合练(四) .docxVIP

2020版高考英语新素养大二轮专题突破通用版练习:题型组合练(四) .docx

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题型组合练(四) Ⅰ.七选五 It’s very common these days for people to take some sort of regular exercise each week.But if you’ve never done it before,what’s the best way to go about it? 1 He or she will create a personalized plan for you based on your aims. However,each hourly session can be steep considering you have to pay both the personal trainer and membership of the gym,too.So what’s left?Well,if you have the courage to do it,you can make your own plan.It’s relatively easy to do if you have the know-how. 2 First,keep your fitness goal in mind.Are you looking to slim down or increase your abilities?Whatever it is,make sure the things you choose to do are achieving that goal.Next,do your research. 3 Watch as many of these as possible,but make sure to be a little critical of them—everyone has a different physique and what works for one may not work for another.Finally,keep your feet on the ground. 4 It takes at least three months to see any realistic body changes.And don’t be overzealous(过度热衷的)—never work in pain—a good workout is difficult and challenging,but never painful.Pain means you are damaging yourself. If nothing else,focus on calisthenics(健身操). 5 Do as many of one exercise as you can without stopping,and then try and repeat that number twice more—make sure you sweat,and don’t forget to rest for a minute in between each activity! A.Be patient with yourself and set realistic goals. B.But before you do,here are some basic pointers. C.Well,many people make use of a personal trainer. D.They just don’t want to design their own workout plan. E.These days,social media is full of fitness videos and advice. F.Find a way to make each exercise more difficult as you get in shape. G.These are the basic body movements which everyone can do anywhere. 语篇解读 本文是说明文。如果你想设计一套适合自己的锻炼计划,却没有足够的资金雇用私人教练,该怎么办呢?本文将教给大家几个自主健身的小贴士。 1.答案 C 解析 结合上文中的“what’s the best way to go about it”和下文中的“He or she will create a personalized plan for you based on your aims.”可知,C项“许多人会请私人教练”符合语境,在



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