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* * First, because the different disciplines or fields vary immensely in their citation rates, and second because citations grow over time and so cannot be compared across different time periods. Field: Certain fields are more highly cited than others, for example Mathematics and Molecular Biology. That would make it difficult to compare departments or individuals that might have different subject mixes. It has been proposed that in natural and life sciences the average peak in the number of citations is the 3rd or 4th year cycle, while in the social sciences the time window is much longer, i.e. around 5th or 6th year cycle (Mingers, 2008a; van Raan, 2003). Time: Analysis that involves publications from a single year can provide only a snapshot; analysis of a 10 year time-period or 30 year can equal to life-time research work. Each publication and citation time window has its interpretation and limitations. Pub. Type: Another important issue is how the indicators cope with differences in publication and citation practises among fields. Absolute counts tend to be distorted by such differences, whereas normalised indicators can property take them into account Academic journals are considered very important means of publishing and diffusion of academic research in the scientific community. Empirically it has been observed that journal article are the main carriers of scientific communication, even though not in all disciplines. Reviews are also very highly cited publication types, if we look in JCR some of the most cited journals are Physical Review or American Economic Review. * 加上公式 * 强调5个模块的作用 * +MIT对比 * * 深圳大学的规范化的引文影响力为0.89,还未达到全球标准的1.02,与三家(包括自身)的同类高校的基准值恰好持平,说明深圳大学达到了同类高校的平均水平,单位达到全球的基准值 * 与全球论文的期刊规范化的引文影响力基准值对比,深圳大学已经非常接近 * 与全球高被引论文基准值1%对比,深圳大学高被引论文百分比0.53%,还未达到世界平均水平 * 全球论文平均百分位为54.23%,深圳大学为59.92%,可见深圳大学论文总体引文影响力还未达到全球论文的平均水平。 * 同出版年,同学科领域,同文献类型的所有出版物按被引频次降序排列 * * 首都医科大学是产出量最多的机构,其次是南京医科大学,深圳大学 * * 南京医科大学和深圳大学发表的论文超过了其期刊的平均水平,首都医科大学的接近其期刊的水平 * 首都医科大学在三


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