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01 给狗喂食 feeding the dog 01 01 梳头 combing hair 01 01 沏茶 making tea 01 01 洗西红柿 washing the tomatoes 01 01 擦窗户 cleaning the window 01 擦窗户 沏茶 洗西红柿 梳头 扫地 给鸟喂食 给狗喂食 拖地 整理书籍 Now its sentense learning. 现在我们开始学习句子 Whats he doing? 他正在做什么? He is mopping the floor. 他正在拖地。 Here we are! 我们来啦! Would you like to listen to my story? 你想要听我给你讲故事吗? Yes, thanks a lot. 好的,非常感谢。 Would you like a cup of tea? 你想喝杯茶吗? Yes, please. 好的,谢谢。 Ill clean the kitchen. 我来打扫厨房吧。 Lets help the old. Key points Phrases 短语: tidying the books, feeding the bird / dog, mopping / sweeping / scrubbing the floor, cleaning the window/cupboard, reading a story book, making tea, washing the tamatoes. 总结 Sentences句子: Whats he doing? He is mopping the floor. Here we are! Would you like to listen to my story? Would you like a cup of tea? Ill clean the kitchen. Homework 1.抄写12个短语“2+1”遍。 2.读课文5遍,家长签“已读5遍”。 3.听写“喂鸟,喂狗,扫地,拖地,泡茶” 在家庭本上,家长签“已听写”。 How can we make grandpa and grandma happy? I think, we can … wash their feet stick her a flower give her a present take them to the zoo sweep the floor water the flowers sing songs play computer games with them dance with them Grandma and grandpa take me to school. Give me the schoolbag and hand me the food. Grandma and grandpa often work hard. They say “Never too old to learn”. Remember this by heart. Grandma and grandpa take me to the zoo. Show me the animals and get me some fruit. Grandma and grandpa take me to the shop. Buy me a hot dog and a very small clock. Let’s chant and sing . th 音标 maths 数学 mouth嘴巴 teeth牙齿 month月份 moth飞蛾 bath洗澡 fourth第四 cloth布料 Sound practise. Beth thank fifth tooth booth north path Seth I often do homework. I am good in class. I can help make things. I run every day. We are friendly. I can help at home. I can lend a hand. Listen, number and read. 标序号。 1 3 7 5 6 4 2 5、A mini-play. This is a story about two children h


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